It took us over 1 hour to find a match how tf would we know we would get this match up. We want to stay in p2. Why would we want to challenge these guys and Jump back to p3 @ill_
Top 5 After 5 it drops below what the calculator says
Happens to everyone
@Slickpetey Who did you guys face?
@Maidril like I said we had our fair share of bad matchmaking but never this extreme....if we lose its only 2 points off. I never seen anyone post something even close to that. P2 allaince vs a master allaince...and that's us finally just reaching p2 we been fighting in n p3 all war long. That's like us facing someone in…
@Maidril show me. Never in my time playing this game has it been this extreme in difference
@PaytoPlay we will try our best but 10/10 it's a top 5 war allaince. We aren't throwing in the towel but there is no way for us to win this. We finally reached plat2 in 49th place and with this loss we are back in plat3. Instead of giving us a fighting chance they match us with a top allaince.
Android HTC u11 Sprint LTE Wi-Fi (u-verse) doesn't work on either. I uninstalled and it worked....... Sat down to eat got back on and sure enough I can't get back on so to service connection. Every other app works except for mcoc
Can't login Android....
It's been down. 1 hour and counting
Last try
Pump pump pump it up
Pump pump pump it up
Still looking
;) ;)
Im down
Did about two runs in master quest before emergency maintenance and did not get any of those rewards
Who's we?
Sums up how i f Its how i feel about game being down again
Im on Android and i can't log in