NEO_mr_Anderson ★★★
Thanks @Crusaderjr I pulled off my fingers from my nose, and, moved on in act 6. I was at 6.2.5 and went to 6.3.3. Your infos were very helpful.
Ouch!!! I have to do 50 fights in act 6.2!!! I better give up on side quest. Thanks anyway.
Sorry, dont understand you. I know only english and french.
In-Game Name: NEO Mr Anderson Device and Model: Samsung Galaxy TAB S7 Device Operating System: Android 11 Cellular or WiFi: Wifi Game Version: 1166046 (32.1.0) Game Mode: All Description of the Issue: After playing for a while, my right thumb control is inactive. When I try to do a medium, my champ is doing a heavy, and…
Already there, but, I won't worry if I ever need T4CC
AQ in 2.5 hours
Still there. Look for Dart moll in players
In war too...
With a bug in war...
I just want a champ without 2 pages of explanations on how to use him. So, my guess is Hercules should be pretty straightforward.
Video 1 touch screen test... Video 2 game touch bug...
I'm playing on a Samsung Galaxy S4 tab. And, before all these maintenances, it was running really fine.
4 passes, 4 ambush....😡
This is really annoying. It reminds me 3 years ago...3-4x crash everyday...😕 I hate to restart my streak...😡😡😡
Got this on first completion...
Capt Kirk (Wiliam Shatner), Ace Ventura ( Jim Carey), Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox), Austin Power (Mike Myers), Jack Bower (Kiefer Sutherland), are some of the famous Canadian celebrities. La poutine has been created in the 50's in the province of Quebec.
Samsung galaxy S8 and up, you wont have any problems. But, if you ever plan to try to get a legend title, no matter what android you will have, your chances are going to be very, but, veeeery low.
Are you a hacker too??? You know my password....!!!!!
.....And, he gives 1 more armor up to Colossus. X-Man
Another thing that I've noticed, if you fire a sp in chain, it's ok, but, if you fire it while AI is either on def mode, or attacking you, 90% of the time, he fire his sp just when you press the button. Didnt happened before.
4+hrs and still down.
Congrats buddy. On my side, I'm buying the $5 cavalier skill deal, every wednesday, in hope to get Nick Fury. Got this, today...
Android too.
RHulk. He is one of the best mystic killer in the game.
My Cav pulls, up to now.... 1/10 = 5* 6*.
I don't have a 6*, but, mine is maxed out, and, I love him against caltrops or bleed nodes. Last RoL fight...