Nightbat216 ★
Dude you cannot tell me bringing void is better than human torch if your speaking heal reversal wise lagacy literally made a video showing that ht is better and for all those fights you Solo's with Claire supposedly a lot of them don't really need specific counters
I am
There's so many events that have been happening that I know alot of people who have even more than me at the same level
Doom is already as high as I can take him for awhile and I can't use quake so I guess Hyperion
Any recommendations on who to focus on next I don't really have resources to rank 4 5* only to rank 3 who should I focus on next?
Oops sorry lol
She isn't underrated since her buff she's been super popular
Yes he is worth rank 3 and any moment you have sig stones that you want to use I definitely recommend poring them into him unless you get like a duped Ægon or something
Ok that definitely Does put domino higher Omega red is a super god champ imo but he really does need as high sig as you can and suicides are nice
What sig is Omega red because that plus suicides really helps with the decision
He's the most overrated champ in the game
Oh ok I don't know why I thought it was the venom one probably because I don't really do the variants after trying variant one and I remembered the announcement that variant 4 was the venom one
Didn't they just do a venom one or am I going crazy? lol
I feel like rogue is really underrated shortened stun duration buff steal life steal power steal on the sp2 she's imo a beast
I love how there's one guy who said no
I have said this for so long I totally agree with you right now basically "practice" is fighting rol winter soldier over and over
I have no idea when I pulled doom I for some reason at first was sad because people had been saying that he wasn that good because of the high expectations but he's probably the champ I have the most fun playing
Ok since it's so easy why not add that node where you have to go over 15 hits or whatever to do damage
Yeah I don't have that big of a roster I have 3 5* champs aegon Medusa and doom
I'm not jealous it was just an idea
Dude that's not why I made this I have him as a 5* fyi
Well I mean like isn't the champion a original character? And he's ok but not the best
For me back then was my 3* starlord max sig
Yes depending on what your trying to do
I think it's because it takes the most damage dealing debuff as a priority and the bleed isn't permanent like the poison is but it does tick down for more while it's up
I would say aegon only if you have the sig stones to get him really high sig if you don't really have any sig stones Nick fury is definitely a better option
Dude you literally can't use the sentence "no one cares" please only speak for yourself because I think it's really cool when I find people who are happy about things that might not seem to matter to other people because that shows that that person is actually human
In that case probably the most useful is dormammu but if those are your only 5* for where your at rank 5 4* will probably help you more honestly
Dude one:is this even a question? Lol two: who is that one person who said no we need to talk🤔 also 93% to 6% percent kabam forums can't do simple math apparently lol