OwGss ★
Still looking around if anyone needs spots filled - I can do Map 5 or 6 easily with main and alt account, would bring both but don't have to. Line chat is fine, however, I work full time and do not have notifications on but will clear necessary paths with ease.
Yes- luckily zone 25 was not bad matchups at all
You got it slappy, much more enlightened now that I’ve read your comments. Would you please friend me?
Markjv if kabam chose to have the cheese option then I’m allowed to do it, still not easy bud. Regardless, your comment was so generous and inspiring that I boosted doc oc and intercepted enough that I degened her to zero… still it’s a bs fight but hey it’s on me right?
This needs to be updated at some point… you should be able to kick or select new matchup up as a host before you enter incursions and also refresh for 6* is too long… now I gotta wait a week because zone 9 matched me up with a maxed out 5*s and I’m running r4 6*s… come on! And yes I know it’s random matches but what I’m…
I’ll take the RTD if it gives back ALL resources I’ve put in him otherwise it’s a waste… sig stones, gold and gem please.
Kabam add another difficulty already- only reason to fully explore is the r4 resources for many players, ready for next level difficulty
Depends on what content you need done still… I’d lean towards CGR, Apoc and/or Hercules… they can bypass and knock out 80-90% of Act 7 without any issues… but you do as you will.
While y’all communicate and pass along the comments to devs, that does not help us out when release goes live, it’d be nice to recognise that r4 resource and sig stones we’ve used are not easy to come by… bug or no bug I’d appreciate a chance to revert back to what he was or get my resources back to invest in another…
Make it 2 r4 6*s and everyone is happy… sure you could give more r4 resources, that’s natural… sure you could have announced this prior to 7.4 so many more could have grabbed 10k unit offer… sure you could have included r4 in rifts instead of junk like 4/5* sigs and t4c but all in all…could adjust map 5 and below and gold…
Waaay too much effort for a +1 5* sig since I already own him... least let it be a true dupe and iso and 275 shards on top... sure 1k 6* is not bad but considering the massive pool and 10% of random mediocre pull I’ll get... never again...
Ridiculous... lost my incursion run and champs now on reboot good lord Kabam
Thanks a for the advice hammerbro... I used 4-5 revives per mordo path and it’s done... way cheaper then pulling 50 unit hero crystals...
Update*** ranked up cap marvel movie to r5... have enough for one more... fury to r5 sig 20 doom unawakened to r4 symbiote supreme unawakened to r4 Or... 6* cap iw to r2 unawakened... opinions?
If the power gain was not there on 2nd mini boss it’d be fine... my r4 5* ultron works great but I time out due to power gain and bait
I don’t feel like scrolling through 46 pages of posts but can Morningstars power gain be looked at as a 2nd mini boss on map 5?
In any business quality control exists for these reasons... your maintenance and testing teams should have caught this but now that it’s pointed out, maybe reflect on your practices rather than just traditional responses. Community is upset because this is not the first or second time a mistake has been noted.
Depends on how many sig stones you’ll use... if you got 65+ tonpump into switch I’d go with her but AA is amazing as well... you may still find him very useful without being awakened so my vote is switch.... plus she’s not offered as a 5* or 6* so there you go
Until you build a decent 4* roster of maxed 5/50s at lvl99 I would keep pulling basic 5* rather than spending extra 5k shards but that’s me
sell tier 5 ISO
20% chance in the two premium vs .02% chance in regular...
Deep wounds at 4 at least and assassin at 3 at least... mine is maxed out but with AA and GP that bleed is nasty with DW. I also like 1 point in glass cannon and I run MD at 4 since my attackers are mystic
I just pulled her... 1 crystal spun
Pulled a 5* Morningstar
Angela shut him down easy
Not a bad challenge... just long fights... VIP for me was my iceman and Angela
I think you’re paying the extra 5k for better odds is all
Line is cruicial so if you’re open to that message me in game at ss.Alen or line owgsilentscope
We may have room for y’all- message me on line owgsilentscope or in game ss.Alen