Is it me or is Morningstar on Map 5 too over powered
I have taken three different bleed immune champs to take on morningstar to AQ. A max 5/50 Iceman; A 6 star Nebula; A max 5/50 GR. I have timed out almost everytime without taking a single hit. Is anyone having the same problem I have never had that problem against any other mini in map 5.
Nebula hits pretty soft too unless you get off a special 2 with lots of shocks stacked. Doing that you have to play pretty defensively so yeah you'll run out of time. A 4* r5 Sentinel would probably be a better option or Luke Cage.
Umm... No. They should just increase the timer to 4mins atleast.
Yes, that is absurd. Having to deal 180K+ damage within 3 mins is difficult with all but a handful of champions like Star Lord. Having to do that with a bleed immune champion that doesn’t have pillow hands or regeneration to regain health lost from timing out leaves Luke Cage, Ghost Rider, and Iceman.
But with bleed immune you’ve got
Iceman who doesn’t really hit terribly hard being a slight abover your typical debuff champs (almost reminds me of BPc)
Ghost Rider who is fairly tricky to use in such time constraints and his niche as a healer only activates truly AFTER he times out on round 1
And Luke Cage who is just a beast! Not gonna lie he’s basically the only true heavy handed bleed immune
Theoretically Rogue could work but definitely needs a high dupe to really pull it off well