Reynie3 ★
Looking for 3. All for map4, with growth to map5 ASAP Can hit me up also: Line ID: rey91113
Still searching for 1. We’ve shifted some things around. But the core of the alliance values are the same
Only 1 spot left. Reach out if you are interested.
AQ starting up soon! Still need 4. All for map4.
We are now searching for 4. All four are for map4. Getting good glory so ranking up is a little easier. Fun alliance with lots of support. Reach out on LINE app to myself at rey91113 or an officer. Try heisenberg128 on LINE.
Still looking for 3. All map4 positions.
Recruiting for three spots that opened up. All three are in map4. LINE required.
One spot left. Map4 a few days finish of with map3. Map4 all out soon
Looking for 2. Recently had 2 who weren’t working out. Mainly older members who needed a break. One mainly map 4. One with a few days on map4 some on map3. Still good glory.
Basically filled up now. However in a day from now we will have a retirement coming up. So will need a single opening for a player who can manage map5 with mods all week. Preferred is a 9000 prestige. Paths are assigned in map5. Alliance set up has changed to maps 5x5 (BG1), 4x5 (BG2) and 4x5 (4x5). All mods. More than…
Looking for 4 again. 150k PI is preferred.
We currently have two map4 places and two map3 places. For map3 there will eventually be progression to map4. BG2 which runs map4 would eventually go to map5. Only one opening on the war squad at the moment. We have a single BG, but those who want to play war can rotate in for 6 wars and off for 6 wars.
@WitGusto you are welcome to join us. We are happy to grow accounts as long as they are committed and work with us. Alliance: DTEN IGN: Reynie3 LINE: rey91113
@aarondc007 you are still welcome to join. The alliance name has changed and we’ve levelled up a bit, but that’s about it. At the moment we have 1 spot open with another opening up soon. IGN is Reynie3 My LINE ID is rey91113.
@"Kabam Zibiit" any news on this fix?
Yeah, do you feel better now? Don’t think we would be right for you anyway
Hey man. I just started a new alliance. Will have e few old alliance mates over soon. I am looking for any level player to join me. Have had new players before and have enjoyed helping them really grow. My alliance is VOODOO MOB (VÜDÜ), my in game name is Reynie3. I like to use LINE for general comms, my ID is rey91113,…
Any level is welcome. We are going to focus on AQ to grow and strengthen your account!
I can't find your LINE bud. My ID is rey91113. In game Reynie3. I'm building up an alliance. Any help is appreciated. Grow with the VOODOO MOB
Hey, just started a new alliance. Looking for people who want to grow. IGN Reynie3 LINE rey91113 Alliance VOODOO MOB
Hi man, feel free to join up with my alliance. VOODOO MOB (VÜDÜ) My LINE ID is rey91113 IGN Reynie3 I’m looking for active people who want to grow with an alliance and develop their accounts
Hey man. I just started a new alliance. It would be great if you could join. VOODOO MOB(VÜDÜ) My IGN is Reynie3 LINE ID is rey91113 Hope toe hear from you
Hey man, would be great if you could join my alliance. I am looking for active players. I don’t really mind their level. You can find me in game at Reynie3. Or find me on the LINE app at rey91113
Thanks both of you I understand the issue now. Thanks again much appreciated!
I still have fun in the game. Even AW can be fun. The real issue for me is arena. That whole grind for gold and units really sucks. I'd rather be doing new quets or working on act 6 etc. There's this underlying pressure of if I don't play arena I won't get gold or units so I have to arena.
Hey mate, couldn't find you on LINE. I thought I'd respond here. You can reach me on LINE at Reynie3. We are an AQ focused alliance running two AW BGs at the moment for those that feel like playing AW. Otherwise we generally work on helping our members progress.
COLOSSUS please!!! As per the comics he should be shock (electricity) immune, he should be cold and heat (incinerate) immune. Technically he should be poison immune as he cannot bleed so AA shouldn’t be able to poison him for example, neither should King groot because he doesn’t need oxygen when in his metal form. His…
OK. We are at Bronze 1. So I'm guessing that's a no?
Here's some more info:
Hey, You guys could merge with us. We do basically the same as you.