Shamir51 ★★★★
Level 40
Just a minute, someone will answer you 👍
You needed to necro this post just to drop that nugget? 🤦♂️
It's not just you- a large part of the community doesn't have even 1 deathless champion so any realm event centred on deathless champions is going to limit player involvement and because of this, it's likely going to result in lower points scoring anyway thus impacting the players that do have deathless champs.
Probably Norman Osborn or Carnage. Eh- destroyed Asgard, was willing to sacrifice the planet by working with Void in Dark Avengers, has the cure for cancer but weaponises to kill people with cancer, painfully. Although the more I think on it, if we're going for pure evil, I think maybe Sabretooth and Killgrave are maybe…
I hope you turn out to be different from the last person, or indeed, the vast majority of previous people who have been banned and claimed they did nothing wrong. Good luck with the support team- you'll need it!
Probably Norman Osborn or Carnage.
The first part is just not true. Roulette tables in UK casinos do not have the “00” that is prevalent in some part is EU and in the US so they don’t all have the same odds. Sticking with roulette, I’ve never seen anyone play 1 number and bank on the big win- there’s always a spread across numbers, mitigating risk and…
Was that a joke? Because I don’t get it.
If you look a little closer, you’ll see why he said 1,200 titan shards.
What do you play at the casino that has a 1% chance of success???
Why in the world did you ask Kabam to reverse the purchase if you were going to buy it again anyway? Make it make sense please.
Just a minute, someone will answer you 👍
Hence why I said literally anyone. It was there for anyone playing the game to get that 7* sinister. Just because it was locked behind a paywall if you couldn’t do the content, doesn’t mean it wasn’t attainable.
But cavs do have rank 3’s.
You obviously weren’t happy with your relatively low level of disagrees hence you made this post 😅 On a side note, I feel the same way.
Just a minute, someone will answer you 👍
Literally anyone could have gotten 7* sinister. It wasn’t progression locked.
The question was: is this year the worst banquet? You think Valiants were done dirty this year, so you thought Valiants were treated much better last year with the abundance of 6* shards, T5B and T2A that we received?
This here is part of the problem. You come across as someone who cares a little too much about how many people agree with you, and this is only going to feed people to disagree more. And this, despite the fact in an earlier post, you say you don’t care about getting disagrees. If you truly didn’t, you wouldn’t care one bit…
I think at this point, most believe you’re trolling, so probably best to move on now.
Acts 1-3 were reset when they were revamped a while ago so that they appear completed (green) but show 0%. It’s probably an old alt account and OP never went back to do acts 2 and 3.
I wasted time reading this.
People use words all the time without knowing what they actually mean 🤣🤦♂️
So you wanted the 4 drops with the lowest drop rate and you’re salty you didn’t get any of them even once? It’s difficult to know hat your point here is other than complaining that you got bad rng. What about the people that pulled Jessica Jones, or a titan or a trophy selector from just 1 SBC? The other point is that you…
It’s a good thing that the infographic wasn’t produced or circulated by Kabam then.
Do it and let us know how it works out 👍
I thought it was; source: Trust me bro
SpongeBob mentioned it on the last episode.