Shamir51 ★★★★
I don’t remember there being titan shards in last lunar new year event so that would have to be from somewhere else.
26-5% in alliance event but no realm reward yet.
No no, I’m asking you to answer the question. How do they work for the AQ and AW ranked rewards you receive??
I’ll ask again, how do ranked rewards work for alliance quest and war???
How do your alliance quest and alliance war ranked rewards work?
This must be some weird joke that no one but you understands.
Exercise some patience. They’ll be in your inbox when they’re sent out.
Come on man. How many time did he have to tell you that they’re not solo rewards because they’re not in the solo event.
Jesus wept. This might be one of funniest things I’ve read on the forum.
Because it’s been moved to realm events instead. You want ranked rewards for both solo and realm events when they’re the exact same thing????
He said speak for yourself because you have this habit of saying “we”. Like your comments are representative of the entire player base. Instead of “we” just say “I”.
You could make the argument that you’ve been going nowhere for a while but it didn’t stop you then so what’s the difference now?
“Streets are saying” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
How did you work that out? You have access to everyone’s scores?
Red the part highlighted red.
The leftover turkey from Christmas dinner?
How else would he win the realm event for number of posts made on forums?
Congrats on your first necro of 2025! Shame you didn't take a New Year's resolution to stop it this year.
Expect??? Would have been better if you’d phrased it as “hope for”. Maybe temper your expectations so that you won’t be disappointed when almost none of this happens.
Level 40
Just a minute, someone will answer you 👍
You needed to necro this post just to drop that nugget? 🤦♂️
It's not just you- a large part of the community doesn't have even 1 deathless champion so any realm event centred on deathless champions is going to limit player involvement and because of this, it's likely going to result in lower points scoring anyway thus impacting the players that do have deathless champs.
Probably Norman Osborn or Carnage. Eh- destroyed Asgard, was willing to sacrifice the planet by working with Void in Dark Avengers, has the cure for cancer but weaponises to kill people with cancer, painfully. Although the more I think on it, if we're going for pure evil, I think maybe Sabretooth and Killgrave are maybe…
I hope you turn out to be different from the last person, or indeed, the vast majority of previous people who have been banned and claimed they did nothing wrong. Good luck with the support team- you'll need it!
Probably Norman Osborn or Carnage.
The first part is just not true. Roulette tables in UK casinos do not have the “00” that is prevalent in some part is EU and in the US so they don’t all have the same odds. Sticking with roulette, I’ve never seen anyone play 1 number and bank on the big win- there’s always a spread across numbers, mitigating risk and…
Was that a joke? Because I don’t get it.
If you look a little closer, you’ll see why he said 1,200 titan shards.
What do you play at the casino that has a 1% chance of success???