Slig ★★★
Agree that this is the biggest issue right now.
Seeing this as well. Blocks not registering, intercepts failing, etc.
The Banhammer works as well on him as it does on an R3
As long as they don’t ban unit man, I’ll be good.
Did they mention if the paths are gated for any particular champs?
Yes, if it doesn’t work, keep trying.
Deathless Thanos worked for me
I thought the shocker was going to be that the rewards were upgraded to be worth the effort.
It’s outrageous that I can’t get the compensation just because I didn’t do the content and wasn’t affected in any way.
Lots to agree and disagree with in that post. The only thing I want to say is a big Thank You to crashed for taking the time to do that analysis and the lengthy write up.
Open battle chips crystals before big events start (cyber Monday, banquet, etc). I’m sure it’s small sample size but I usually get much less units when I open them with a big event going on.
Working as intended
Nice. Now I can buy more of them to expire in my stash.
Why? I’m not saying to move it significantly. Just move it to the Monday the week before Christmas so they have time to address issues that will inevitably pop up.
Regardless of one’s view on the value of banquet this year, I would like to see some acknowledgement of the fact that dropping the biggest event of the year in the eve of holidays and vacations is a bad idea and they won’t do it in the future. Christmas and NYears doesn’t sneak up on you - it’s the same days every year.…
I hope you meant 30 million gold because 30k won’t get you far at all.
At the rate of escalation, you better start grinding now for Banquet 25.
Not the first time this has happened. Happened to me 5 years ago or so.
I’m glad I couldn’t log on when banquet started. By the time I did, many were complaining the crystals were trash. I opened enough to get the deathless piece. Now I’m sitting back and waiting to see if the realm milestones are hit. I’m sure I’m not the only one. And as far as the rewards I have already gotten, I have t3a…
I think that is exactly right - Shuri is better on long form, but Bishop is better in other modes. I have mine awakened at R3. The only downside is he usually gets banned in BG.
On the other hand, maybe after ten years they would have learned not to drop something new on Friday afternoon before a holiday.
Right behind you chief
The materials may all be used to rank 7*, but the main issue is that many valiants (like me) have T3A and T6B overflowing already. And they can’t even be sold - for gold or shards. So we just watch them expire one after another. I have a bunch sitting in rewards now waiting to be claimed but already am overflowing. At the…
It took me a while to get the rhythm. For red mags, don’t swipe back twice and you don’t deal with the crush.
Seems like a lot of choices this time. I used red mags, negasonic and ultron
Red is very good
Great idea - let’s have an internal event at the one time per month that we are dropping new content. I’m sure nothing will go wrong.
Thanks. Mine were in there. had no idea that we had to go back in Twitch for them. Not sure what happened to the stream but it didn’t start for me and I missed the first ten minutes until I exited and came back in.
I didn’t get mine at all
Bishop, Storm (regular or pyramid x) or kitty and it is easy peasy.