Sw0rdMaster ★★★★
Angela did it for me, get to 2 bars of power and she gets a precision buff.
Will still be here when 10* arrives 🤣
When playing a champ, the only important numbers to me
Oneplus Nord 4 on Android 15
Imagine your fighting mordo, that's your extended pause right there. Just parry, hold heavy & release just before the stun counter expires & you'll get the extended pause.
Use incinerate immune such as prowler & jack and put dot damage on him.
Also when they update the black market, you can swap 20x T3A for a T4A. That's just 200 units for a T4A.
Is it permanent? Why is there a timer on it and no limit? You wouldn't need a timer if there is nothing to reset?
When you open the game it auto login, and straight away you would know it's not your account and hence not your phone. Why would you then proceed to logout and back in with your own account?
How did you pay for her? She was free for me.
Each to their own. People have the right to spent on what they enjoy in life. If buying a property is your thing, then go for it, but it might not be another person's cup of tea.
Kabam is trying to figure out how to get more players like this, happy to spend with deep pockets 😁
It's in the release notes. https://playcontestofchampions.com/news/v48-1-release-notes/
I believe it's 1 deathless champ per path, so you won't get to use any other champs to complete it.
It will be permanent. https://playcontestofchampions.com/news/deathless-mausoleum/
Used HM for skill objective and was fun to kill him in one sp3.
This is Vega's Dec BG mystic ranking.
Playing on 2 devices shouldn't be an issue. I recently bought a new phone which was connected on another provider. I had the game open on both phones for afew days as I slowly migrate everything over and had no issues.
Interesting, i duped 4 champs and notice it didn't change for me 😞
I noticed duping any of the 10 free champs, gave nothing.
My guess it'll be at the next game update in 12 or so days.
In the game settings select "email preferences" and ensure "personalised stats and gifts" is selected.
Have you seen this video on the leader. https://youtu.be/rGIvbHiN7b0?si=AutjIdRUE8bCVz64
Not sure if it was the right choice, but went with Kushala.
Not 3, but it's 1 Nexus 🤣🤣🤣 This question mark better be a 7* Herc 😁
Both will go straight to r3 for me.