daveyj_196_ ★★
I chose Shang Chi
I'll take the hit on the play on words... I was giving it my best George Bush impression.
I grinded like my life depended on it when the event started, I rarely play BG so wanted it done, got to 5k and then pretty much stopped. Now all I do is the milestone to get the banquet ticket. It put me off doing EQ as I was sick to death of the game. For those of us who aren't sweaty grinders in this game this month…
I'm having the same issues. I thought I was doing something wrong.
I claimed all available ones immediately, didn't realise they actually had a shelf life of BEFORE the side event actually ends, that does seem slightly counter intuitive.
Phew. Forums once again is a remedy to my insanity. Thankyou for asking the question. I thought I was losing it.
I gave up once I'd ach8eved all the special milestones. Still have 18 entries in my stash but I've lost all enthusiasm for it. I really hope dusting 'Steve' off for the October event makes up for it.
Leadership that kick when the individual has contributed throughout the season are a pretty sxxtxy bunch. I hope you find a better alliance soon.
Most helpful. Thankyou very much... My son thanks you too.
Congratulations on being banned, you are now free of the addiction this video game brings, Enjoy the real world come back every now and then to let us know what you've been up to. Goodbye cheater.
Dear @kabam please do not close this thread. Let it stand as a beacon of a players stupidity and subsequent comeuppance once they decide to go for short term glory by cheating.
I gave up by week 2. Haven't even touched the monthly, left my alliance after last aq and before this current aw season, my tablet tells me my usage was 43% down. Life is good again
Interesting how you tell us that the revive availability is currently overtuned but you won't acknowledge that you have overtuned the AI.
I doubt we will ever experience a smooth running game ever again. I always expect the worse case scenario when it comes to the the longer fights. I'm pretty much nearly always proved right. Whether it's lag during a special, frozen screen on a parry, insane game play from AI or my champ rooted just before a heavy. There…
I was happy enough with mine... mainly the iso and gold, the 5* crystals won't do much for me as paragon, but very happy to receive something from a game I hadn't touched in years other than to log in during November to prove my acct was active.
Welcome to the club.. Not an exclusive membership however, I think we number in the 10s of 1000s now.
Whenever I see either of these champs on defence I think of how quickly Rintrah will completely demolish them.
This happens every season, I honestly don't know why some alliances have such toxic leadership. If we decide we need to make changes we ALWAYS tell the person involved that after rewards have dropped they have a certain amount of time to leave of their own accord or we then kick.
I've messaged you, although kabam are probably aware of where we farm them I don't want to called out as a whistle-blower in the forums.
I'd say don't auto enlist in future. As soon as a war starts enlist for the next one.
The furthest I can get in threat lvl 5 is zone 6. I too thought it would take forever, however, it took 2 days to get the ag. The cool down on your champs mean you can run 2 teams. When one is on cool down take the next team in. You will be surprised. However don't be surprised when the ag you pull is not the one you want 😀
Lucky you, I am yet to see this compensation email.
I stuck it straight in cgr and then took him to r4. I am not disappointed. You could be waiting years to get this mythical champion called Herc, a case in point, it took me 5 years to get a 5* Hyperion
I don't see why they would cancel a season when there is just a bug in displaying the leaderboard. All the results will still be being logged.
You can gauge roughly how many times an individual has died by the number of attack bonus displayed after each fight there taken on, ok if they die 5 times to a defender you can only tell that they got ko'd a max of 3 but it may go some way to giving you more info. Our alliance generally calls out in chat when we have lost…
When you get the acct already linked notification just tap log in. You'll get into the game on your desired acct. This is what comes up for me when I log into the game on my phone when I mainly play using my tablet.
I'm glad it's currently blank. We've had our worst start to a season ever and I don't really want to see how far we've fallen.
Thanks, I honestly never realised that.