oak ★
Why don't I get the 420,000 gold one? First deal that shows on my game is the 1870,000 gold for 6* rank up generic. I'm TB
Same problem here
@"Kabam Miike" was this a visual bug? Today I did epic room again and got the rewards
You guessed correctly
Wth? Just did epic for the 2nd time
Shouldn't we get a refund on the wasted units while your team is "working" on it? Because one thing is days, even weeks. But months? I purchased the mastery (3 levels) only to after discover, it's bugged.
Same here. No package
Compensation will come on x-mass
You should let us choose wich t4cc we want in return. 3t4cc for 1 random t4cc excluding the class we're trading, is a really bad deal imo
You guys made me laugh so loud I had to explain to my wife what was happening
Inspector gadjet is on it
Can't wait to see the compensation to this mess. My money is on: "we're very very sorry, free AQ maps next week and 30min timers! Also some 1% crystals of getting something good and a 2* to help you finish LOL! Rejoice!!!"
If you guys can keep this level of quality updates and decisions I can finally quit this game. My wife is rooting for you kabam! Also keep on sending 2* champs and meaningless shards as "compensation". If I ran my business like you do, I'd be flat broke by now
Normal is the new expert :D
The only detail that matters to me, and wich always get lost in these discussions is that a mod, many months ago, wrote in the forum that AA was working as intended. I have an AA at r4 and I love him, but if I took him to r5 to take on LOL by the horns, trashing stun imunes along the way I would be very pi**ed off with…
Same thing happens on my nokia 8. I call it "iphone mode"
I could use a new car
Definitely a step in the right direction. Well done kabam
Lol maybe on x-mass! If we're not naughty >:)
They gave us the worst possible change to AW, now they take it back! This way we feel like we won and forget all the other "minor" changes with 18.1 haha genius
Ups.. one click to late
Kabam HQ:
This is such a bad idea... You continue to deny compensation for the changes you make to this game, that impact the resources we spent while ranking up champions. As long as the big spenders are happy it's all good! This change to AW will, without a doubt increase the use of pots and boosts, win win right?
Back to normal! Ty
So... 15 days later and no fix! 15 more days and we'll forget all about the 10% that was taken. Asap must have a different meaning in kabam planet
If SW as a high sig then go with her, she's just so much fun to play with. If not, voodoo or AA. But I personally love AA insane neuroroxin damage