typgh ★
I asked the guy at Best Buy what compensation they were willing to give me for their video games being overpriced. He started laughing. I asked to see his manager. The manager started laughing. He told me just not to buy the game then. I told him that’s not an option. My body cannot produce dopamine anymore without this…
This was my issue. Thanks.
I had the same issue with Adam Warlock. He is Offensive: Burst and Size: M. I did not get the extra point or complete the Carina’s Challenge for that.
They have done so many Goldpool offers that I don’t know which you are referring to and there inevitably will be more.
They would not be as frustrating if they weren’t so uniformly awful. There are some occasional top off a catalyst for 45 unit ones you might get as a convenience, but 95% are insanely bad values that I can’t imagine anyone actually buys.
Can the melodrama, lol. You weren’t making the top four to go to NYCC anyways.
It’s probably intentional because that’s the only way he places his poisons.
Join an AQ focused alliance. Save yourself the headache.
He doesn’t compare to the top Skill options but has a lot of unique utility. Good against opponents with annoying defensive abilities or that punish critical hits.
So is that Champion worse than any boss in 6.3 or 6.4? Even Grandmaster?
Not sure about damage but my favorite is Venom. You can nullify buffs, gain buffs and regen all in one. With his True Strike and Unblockable SP against low health, I’ve finished off a lot of fights with it.
Depends on your 5* options too haha.
These conversations always turn into, “you don’t want to put the time into it” if you don’t like Arena. No one ever acknowledges that Arena fights are boring compared to other game modes. No nodes, no strategy or challenge.
I get that, but when a video game starts being work, it sort of defeats the point of playing it in the first place. I’ll do quests for hours, but get tired of Arena pretty quickly. It could use some strategy injected into it. Like maybe the sort of modifiers used in AQ. Add nodes for more points, break up the monotony.
Maybe because you’ve used up all the rank up gems, it’s starting to get harder? I also think they don’t intend for you to take someone from R1 to R5 at once. Your inventory doesn’t even hold enough T1A for that.
Try exploring Variant 4. Those rank up gems will help your roster grow and it’s more manageable than the other variants.
There is a new thread about this every couple days. You will just be told to grind Arena endlessly by people who enjoy that game mode way more than me. I wish there was other content available to earn it from as well. Dungeons were always worth a good 75k per cycle, so hopefully Incursions will be a decent source.
I have actually hit higher with him but that’s the highest I have a screenshot of. Would love to get him to R5 and see what he could do.
With 200 sig level, Colossus will be really easy to ramp up. Makes him much less dependent on synergies, easier to bring into quests. With his damage and immunities, he should be pretty sick for you at R5.
Most of the people I know who run short on T1A tend to rank up a lot of people for Arena. Otherwise, if you aren’t bringing everyone you can up to like R3 and are just ranking the fighters that are worth it, you should be able to get enough in the time it takes you to get T2A, T5B, gold, iso, etc. You get more from…
Gamora. Most of her utility comes when awakened but she still was helpful as a heavy hitter.
But you took him to rank 4? I forgot to mention the ability accuracy bit too. Good for MODOK, Medusa, etc. And his synergy with Taskmaster is great. Can get really high fury totals.
There are obviously way better skill champs and I may not have taken him up if he wasn’t one of my first five stars. I don’t regret it in the long run though because he has good utility. He is a great work around for any path or champ that punishes critical hits. He got me through every story quest Spiked Armor path and is…
My four 5/65 are Cap IW, Ghost, Aegon and Venom. Venom would probably be cut but it depends on what content I’d be doing. Aegon can handle things none of the others can, but I’d rather have Venom for regular monthly quests.
Nice to hear, as I’ve got three of the cosmics and one of the mutants collecting dust currently. Havok is borderline for me. Legit don’t have any cosmics worth it yet.
All I know is Arena is repetitive, boring And easily my least favorite game mode. It sucks having to play it for hours and days on end to take someone R4 or R5.
He gains a Fury from doing a heavy attack on a stunned opponent and gains Armor Up buffs from Parrying. So it’s tougher sledding against stun immune.
I love my R4 Colossus. The only thing I think that holds him back is that it takes a while to ramp him up without synergies. With a synergy team though, he is top tier.
Every great champ I pull is science or skill. Every awakening gem or T4C I pull is cosmic or mutant.