vsknight89 ★
This bug almost got our baby wake up, while I set it to auto play lower difficulty. Would have been a real nightmare for us to get him back to sleep.
Same for me. I see the boost and all but express arena is missing.
I know you want to hear Mysterio. So the only best choice is "Mysterio".
5+5 from the 2 elite bounties. It's the side quest with beefed up bosses. It's still on so you haven't missed anything.
For Banquet, there isn't any enough units.
Breaking news: Daily super is coming back.
Respect to you @willrun4adonut for helping a fellow summoner get through.
If I remember correctly, for this season they made the exception of 1 war in one of their posts.
No, it didn't get past us. We found the issue, right ? ;)
Just curious, what does the jail mean though? Can't create new posts or something else ?
It's all RNG. By the way I got one this week through the legends crystal.
Just imagine if there was a naive person in the forums, would have done all this just for the rewards. Just like few people drilled their iPhone few years back just for a headphone jack when Apple removed that.
Wong brothers ??
Can we know the champion name now please, atleast to douse all our curiosity. 😊
You need to checkout the last chapter. 5 energy and 4 for the one before 😭😭😭
I wonder if that guy would have the gold necessary to rank her up anytime soon.
Please don't push them. Else Kabam will add protection to BGs too.
I don't play much of BG but just out of curiosity what in the BG rewards got nerfed ?
Yeah. You nailed it.
Yes, it ended an hour early. This pretty much keeps happening every season.
Seems his date didn't go quite as expected.
Sentry is definitely a threat .....but as an attacker to our fingers.
I thought the same about root mechanic.
Congrats. I hit the same milestone last week with Absorbing man.
Been voting Gladiator all this time but looking at both of their kits, going to vote for white tiger this time.
His name is Miles. He's sooo close to me.
Well what more can we expect. Those early preview bundles needs to sell and keep the prestige race on.
Thanks Jax. It's back up.
Same. Not seeing it anymore.
Definitely, most effective. If one starts the fight today, it'll be done by the time week 2 starts.