Is Kabam getting lazy?

In the victory track of battlegrounds it just feels like copy and paste. We've gotten 3 season of unstoppable and like 3 seasons shrug off and heal it just feels like copy and paste. With the armor burn season it at least felt unique. They could do so many different stuff with all the nodes in the game. They don't even have to do special nodes they could make it for the season you can only use 4* 3* 2* I just want a battlegrounds season that feels unique
Instead, they did that once for seasons 6-7-8 and they’ve stopped.
I think a lot of my problems with the nodes in the last few seasons have boils down to them being boring to counter rather than fun to play with. I think that would be fun. I personally really grew to like several of the paradox nodes after the changes they made to them to make them less punishing, and I was sad to see them go in Act 8. I had hoped to maybe see them pop up in TBEQ, but sadly that hasn't been the case.
I'm not quite as much in love with the Weapon nodes in general, but there were certainly a few that were really fun.