zackb213 ★
IGN - zackb213 Items- 2 Greater Gifting Crystals Best thing - Around the time of my birthday back in February I did a big crystal opening with some five stars and a six star. I got and duped 5 star domino and then finally got a 6 star corvus Glaive. Guess you could say it was a good birthday.
When was he great in first place?
Why can’t I access the reality stone quest?
I used blade with GR and stark synergies active
Gifting event????
This one was fun
Black bolt also stacks but he needs a dune to get the furies
I was in the middle of a dungeon with someone is anything gonna happen or am I gonna have to wait for the cooldown on my champs
Pulled a mordo
He’s good unduped all you’re missing is some regen and I use both GP and blade depending on what I’m doing in game
Only ban people that used the bug to do content they have not done yet don’t ban the people that had fun with it by using it in content they have done
They should and they should not require energy
1. Gwenpool 2. Luke Cage 3. Archangel
Let’s all be honest here guys duels in general aren’t that hard
Why at the end of February why not just the beginning of a year
I just did the 1v1 arena and opened the crystals in batches of 10 to get all the champs I didn’t have
Maybe not get rid of daily quests but buff them instead cuz you should be able to get a fully formed t3cc and not just a couple of frags
Neither save it for blade or someone that’s actually good
Would be nice to know what the maintenance is for but Kabam doesn’t do that so why am I asking
I used duped 5/50 SL and 4/55 LC
I used duped rogue 4/40, duped GP 5/50, max sig OG DD 5/50, duped AA 5/50 and max sig SW 5/50 and after I used all my team revives I used SW to do most of my damage and she was my savior fighting the collector
Use it on Ronan
Should be mystic to go along with his vampiric identity plus he gets more power gain from mystic dispersion
I noticed the same thing with XL champs I take damage with the first hit of the combo like kabam please fix this
Why are we all surprised it’s almost like the game being down has become the new norm