Magik or Morningstar?

Maldroit2Maldroit2 Member Posts: 739 ★★★
I've got way too much mystic iso and t4cc so I think ill rank up a 4* mystic champ. Both are at rank 4, Sig level 40. The other two champs I have at rank 5 are stark spidey and ghost rider.

Magik or Morningstar? 37 votes

World EaterPhonieStarkDarkZenPiviotTendersquadAsterFreya13nameplasJohnyzeroDean9300450ImranSassyMastyCharlie_SceneNamelezbluebubble100ItsTheBroskiCurriemrusmcBlackJ4zzFhfjghhggggjfhfjgSaket_123HerrPopop 31 votes
SaiyanDOKTOROKTOPUSMelkerlanneroTheSquish671jass222We_Are_Venom 6 votes


  • SaiyanSaiyan Member Posts: 727 ★★★★
    Morningstar: Perfect Block, Limber ignore (after 4 souls), higher damage that Magiks SP3 with her SP2, energy resist (comes in handy at times), bleed immune, better regen than Magik, sig offers even more regen and damage.

    Magik: Amazing power control, easy to use, requires no ramp up, pretty reliable champ for everything, doesn't have a short dash back that at times can mess you up.

    Depends on what you need. MS is a great all round champ but Magik has top 3 best power control in game.
  • Blizzard_27_Blizzard_27_ Member Posts: 120
    Limber and power control, enough said
  • JohnwickBHJohnwickBH Member Posts: 10
    Magik is the best mystic champ
  • PhonieStarkPhonieStark Member Posts: 202
    I would agree that Magik is the best Mystic champ, if Dr Voodoo didn't exist.
  • InfineightInfineight Member Posts: 278
    Biggest difference is that Dr. Voodoo needs to be duped to be a god tier also Morningstar at some extent, but then magik even unawakened is a god tier defender+attacker32weuftmgbuc.jpeg
  • PhonieStarkPhonieStark Member Posts: 202
    edited October 2018
    In my opinion, Magik is not a God tier defender without being awakened. Limbo is what makes her a good defender. She is very good offensively, even without being awakened.
  • InfineightInfineight Member Posts: 278
    As per 2018 seatin's tier list magik(unduped) is also a good tier attacker
  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    As some have already said, they both have benefits that cover areas the other doesn't. I can tell you that I personally really enjoy using my Magik and like how long she can keep an opponent Power Locked, but which one is more beneficial to you may be different depending on your roster and where you are at in the game at the moment.
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