Let us buy gold with glory at a reasonable price

I've got more t4cc than I can handle and am ranking up a R5 almost weekly but it is absolutely draining my gold no matter how much I do arena. I really feel like we need a better method of getting gold because outside of the gold realms that come at the whim of Kabam the ways to gain gold have not changed since BETA.
I think we should be able to buy gold for glory at a rate something like 300 gold to 1 glory. Something that can give you real amounts of gold that aren't game changing. I think the point of the glory store is supposed to be about a store specifically for ranking champs and with the crazy cost of 5* (well over a million gold for a single R4 5*) we need a place for gold too.
I think we should be able to buy gold for glory at a rate something like 300 gold to 1 glory. Something that can give you real amounts of gold that aren't game changing. I think the point of the glory store is supposed to be about a store specifically for ranking champs and with the crazy cost of 5* (well over a million gold for a single R4 5*) we need a place for gold too.
Yeah rank up a couple 5* and you're easily in the hole a couple million and there is just no way you can keep up with that running 66555 for AQ on top of that.
Thank you for the suggestions. I've passed them along to the team!
Thank you!
I think you know that this is not the norm at all.
20 units for 2400 gold is joke.
Did you read the post? Literally in the first sentence.
This isn't a good argument because Kabam noted that Map 6 is not intended to be run multiple times a week.
Yet they have created a system where only the people who do it get good rewards. Further, we don't do this often (once a month in my old ally) we are normally doing 5x5. The gold drain I'm really talking about is from ranking up champs.
Quit spamming your own thread in every other, completey unrelevant thread, it's against forum rules