Restore back to old glory?

Why not restore some heroes that were nerfed in the past vack to their old glory? Some of our favorite champs were crippled while there are other newer champs that have the same skill but an upgraded version of it.. or are easier (in case of regeneration)

For example thor who once used to be able to stack 5 armor breaks but that was to much in your oppinion. Yet now we have medusa who can have up to 6 armor breaks...and on top of that has a few other things like bleed and autoblock.
So the GOD of THUNDER has nothing on The wife of the man that whispers?

Dr Strange regen was nerfed (who could only heal during certain amount of time on his second buff)...while we now have champs who can regen alot more continously during the fight.

Scarlet wich chance and amount of regen was nerfed..while we have for example green goblin who triggers regeneration just by blocking at the right time.

If they would be restored to old glory days they would be somewhat back on par with todays new champs and actually get used again.

let me be not saying newer champs should be nerfed... but i am saying the reason some champs that got nerfed in the past doesnt make sence anymore.


  • Epsilon3Epsilon3 Member Posts: 1,138 ★★★
    Thor was demonstrably OP. Last I checked Medusa can’t 10-hit kill ROL Winter Soldier at 5/50. It was never the AMOUNT of armor break debuffs (otherwise Iron Fist would have be in a lot of trouble too), it was the broken combination of a
    1. How powerful they were
    2. How many could be placed
    3. The old negative-armor scaling
    To put it bluntly a 5/50 4* was capable of on average 50k+ damage on basic attacks.

    17.5 Poison from a 5/50 4* Voodoo
    Nearly 10 Neurotoxin from a 4/55 5* Archangel.

    There was no way to balance him without either reworking him, nerfing him, or making EVERYRHING stun immune. At that kind of power he could literally 2-hit kill almost all of Act5 except the bosses in the last 2 chapters.

    Scarlet Witch is still a monster. Arguably doesn’t NEED regen considering at 5/50 her Sp2 is still a Multi-Dozen Crit and overall regularly hits close to 2.5-3 thousand on basic crits. Her regen procs ok and with that power it’s not really something you should have to rely on.

    Now onto the REAL issues.
    Strange didn’t deserve this. He needs better Armor and Fury bonuses and his Regen phase needs about 30% increase or let them do increased life steal on critical hits. Change his cycles to 8 seconds and release as a 5*

    Thor: slightly increase armor break duration and potency. And add a 40% base fury for each armor break on the enemy.
    A little overpowered but then again Hyperion is a thing

    IRON FIST! How dare you forget about him!
    Simply put: True Accuracy and Negative Armor. Allow him to scale damage done to an enemy with a negative armor rating inversely to that of regular armor rating… and give him utility that wasn’t around when he was made but he’s well deserving of
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  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,445 ★★★★★
    These types of threads used to fire me up and make we want to storm the barricades. Now, they just make me wistful, especially where Doc is concerned.

    Doc is gone. He’s not coming back, unless it’s via synergies with new and yet-to-be-released champs it will take a few years and loads of time/money to acquire.

    Dr. Zola
  • Ron_HRon_H Member Posts: 64
    Epsilon3 wrote: »
    Thor was demonstrably OP. Last I checked Medusa can’t 10-hit kill ROL Winter Soldier at 5/50. It was never the AMOUNT of armor break debuffs (otherwise Iron Fist would have be in a lot of trouble too), it was the broken combination of a
    1. How powerful they were
    2. How many could be placed
    3. The old negative-armor scaling
    To put it bluntly a 5/50 4* was capable of on average 50k+ damage on basic attacks.

    17.5 Poison from a 5/50 4* Voodoo
    Nearly 10 Neurotoxin from a 4/55 5* Archangel.

    There was no way to balance him without either reworking him, nerfing him, or making EVERYRHING stun immune. At that kind of power he could literally 2-hit kill almost all of Act5 except the bosses in the last 2 chapters.

    Scarlet Witch is still a monster. Arguably doesn’t NEED regen considering at 5/50 her Sp2 is still a Multi-Dozen Crit and overall regularly hits close to 2.5-3 thousand on basic crits. Her regen procs ok and with that power it’s not really something you should have to rely on.

    Now onto the REAL issues.
    Strange didn’t deserve this. He needs better Armor and Fury bonuses and his Regen phase needs about 30% increase or let them do increased life steal on critical hits. Change his cycles to 8 seconds and release as a 5*

    Thor: slightly increase armor break duration and potency. And add a 40% base fury for each armor break on the enemy.
    A little overpowered but then again Hyperion is a thing

    IRON FIST! How dare you forget about him!
    Simply put: True Accuracy and Negative Armor. Allow him to scale damage done to an enemy with a negative armor rating inversely to that of regular armor rating… and give him utility that wasn’t around when he was made but he’s well deserving of

    On SW i agree.. she is still usefull. Doc strange nerf was real disapointment cause he was just alot of fun to play with.
    The point i was also trying to get accross "when reading between the lines" was also a bit that i hope they will just LEAVE THE CHAMPS ALONE!! after they been released. 😂

    There will always be newer champs released that are slightly..or in some cases alot better just so there is a point to keep people spending on crystals.
  • J0E_HardyJ0E_Hardy Member Posts: 100
    Why not just send free 5* to us all old timers
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  • Kabam PorthosKabam Porthos Moderator Posts: 4,676
    Hey guys, there's an active discussion taking place HERE, where other members of the community are sharing their Champion improvement suggestions.

    If you haven't already, please take a moment to share your feedback in that thread. To help keep the Forum tidy, I'll go ahead and close this one.
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