Emma Frost Sp1 vs. Ghost

Faced this issue in war, and decided to recreate it in a duel. Ghost is phasing and the special attack clearly misses (it says miss) but Ghost still gets hit and takes damage. Is this a bug, or is it just a psychic attack reaching between quantum realms?

The damage is fine, I had hood in war and I wasn't damaged, but the problem is that it made contact and it's not supposed to
Also, in that case phasing shouldn't be able to work at all when she's in her telepath form, and I just tested it and I can definitely phase her basic attacks, so that's not what's wrong
I don't think one can phase through a phsycic attack.
Might be an Easter egg like hood-daredevil interaction.
Yeah that's what I was thinking too...well, just gotta pay slightly more attention next time then lol
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You need Mr. Sinister to be immune to reversed controls "in general" .. ie vs the nodes and such.