100% LoL - Fastest with Ghost? 8 days for 7 Paths

I just finished 100% LoL and created a video and playlist about it. Feel free to check it out and also any pointers are appreciated!

5/50 Archangel...worst fight of LoL for me. I didn't have any rarity of Gwenpool. I died 14 times to Electro and RnG was so against me. At leat in 3 fights, I would parry and heavy + another parry and heavy but get no bleeds....Around 800 units just for him
I didn't ask people to like or subscribe. If you look at my YT, I barely have done any effects or stuff for it. Im probably the worst promoter. And if you want me to be clear, I AM NOT ASKING FOR LIKES OR SUBS
I hope that helps you. This post was just to let other people who have Ghost know how or what to do for LoL
I haven't seen anyone not revive to kill Maestro (while regen) with Ghost. would like to see it though. And I do not claim to be best 'Ghoster' but I do have other takedowns of LoL champs too in that playlist if you wanna see
Dr. Zola
thats why I post stuff like that to inspire people to finally 'Ghost' feel free to check other videos, this was just ending to 100% but I am proud of 2-3 solid kills and embarrassed of a few lol. glad i could help
Good job indeed!
@PlanetEarth it's a real thing. Trust me.
9,5k Units is rly much
Not really lol. R5 blade is definitely much slower than R5 Ghost. He does save resources though but if u end fights faster, you reduce chances of being hurt. Sparky on the other hand is kinda like an inferior version of Ghost
Pandaman Pete already raced Doolie's R5 sparky and Ghost won easily.
But IMO, best LoL champs are Sparky, Ghost, Domino n SL. I know Aegon is up there too but won't say much as I don't know enough about him (Which doesn't mean he sucks)
Hey dude, yea ill add you on Line. If you can play Magik with cornerlock, you can play with ghost too. Its pretty similar playstyle and rest is practice
I didn't flag you FYI
Practice, play her like Magik cornerlock but instead of dashback intercepts, 'phase intercepts'
Basically, you want to let the opponent hit you and you counter them. You can start by letting them hit you once since you won't be as fluent with their animations. Counter them and dash back. Wait for them to hit you and repeat.
For unblockable specials, use your right thumb to dashback and left to immediately trigger special.
Once you become a pro on the above, try to take 2-3 hits into your phase for more power and then counter and repeat. That playlist has a ton of vids to watch and OGV was my best fight from it
I think took down Abom in under 6mins 30 seconds and it was a solo. I was doing about 25k medium crits towards the end lol.
Guys please, I don't wanna promote my YT neither am I a Youtuber at all. I just want to help people learn Ghost and save units for LoL thats why I made this video. If you post 1 video on Youtube, will you be called Youtuber? think not. (Ofc I posted more than 1 videos but thats an example to 1k+ vids actual Youtubers post)
and once again I AM NOT ASKING FOR LIKE OR SUBS. I just wanna help people here
Nice! R5 Domino is definitely a good choice for LoL as she negates limber completely. Im sure I could have done it in less units but the main problem for me was
Moon Knight where I used about 500 units since he was on the worst phase and extremely difficult for me.
Electro where I used 800 units since I had to bring 5/50 AA to counter and it was nightmare
Magneto n Rhino for whom I had to use R4 SL who would trigger enrage much faster, making me use 700 units
Maestro who proc'd regen n power flood about 36 times (1.4k units) in all runs which is almost a certain KO
If RnG wasn't so bad for me and if I had good counters, I could have used maybe around 1k units instead of 3.4k units on those fights reducing the total to 7k units.
I know some people will say its too much but a year ago, people would use 3k units per path or minimum 2k per path so taking that into consideration, i think i did ok. But for sure if somebody has better 5* counters to those fights, its advised
Yep, im sure you have also solo'd guillotine and abomination
This post is starting to get off topic here. Purposefully flagging posts incorrectly is against the rules. However this would not be an appropriate post to flag as Mike12867 is only sharing a video for discussion. Let's get this conversation steered back towards the content! Thanks!
Thanks my friend! I am not here to showoff skills, gain subs or report anyone. Just want people to learn about Ghost, how to use her and probably help save them units.