Cav 4 hr crystal Drop Rates

Ghostspider231Ghostspider231 Member Posts: 301 ★★★
edited May 2019 in General Discussion
I've noticed that the drop rates for revives dramatically have decreased from grandmaster to cavalier on the 4 hour crystal. I've been cavalier titled since the first week it was available and haven't received more than 2-3 revives which is ridiculous. I don't believe the crystal has been buffed at all. I believe this is a punishment for higher tier players. I honestly would take the plentiful lvl 1 revives we used to get in the original 4 hour crystal.


  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    @Ghostspider231 I've been wondering the same thing. I also got cavalier the first week and I don't remember getting a single revive from those crystals since they changed. Before a mod closes this with a generic statement about drop rates not changing, could someone actually check? I get the whole RNG thing but I've been playing for a long time and I've never seen anything like this.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    I've pulled tons of revives on my low account from the 4 hour crystals. Cavalier seems broken.
  • V1PER1987V1PER1987 Member Posts: 3,474 ★★★★★
    I’ve gotten maybe 5-7 revives since becoming cavalier but that’s between 2 accounts. So I would say I’ve gotten maybe 3 each. Still seems really low.
  • WoozieWoozie Member Posts: 479 ★★
    In the same boat, kabam made Cavalier this grand achievement where you get better crystals but i think most people would've held off and claimed the 12K unit offer for completing it if they knew it barely got you anything better.
  • TaZ_4178TaZ_4178 Member Posts: 506 ★★

    I've noticed that the drop rates for revives dramatically have decreased from grandmaster to cavalier on the 4 hour crystal. I've been cavalier titled since the first week it was available and haven't received more than 2-3 revives which is ridiculous. I don't believe the crystal has been buffed at all. I believe this is a punishment for higher tier players. I honestly would take the plentiful lvl 1 revives we used to get in the original 4 hour crystal.

    It's terrible dude I've opened probably about 100 since last month not one revive... I've given up on them and will just horde them till the end of the month now as I've completed all the content...
  • DTMelodicMetalDTMelodicMetal Member Posts: 2,785 ★★★★★
    edited May 2019
    This would be more of a concern if uncollected event quests or other recent content was difficult enough to warrant using revives
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  • DTMelodicMetalDTMelodicMetal Member Posts: 2,785 ★★★★★
    edited May 2019
    zeezee57 said:

    Thanos boss warrants reviving, though practice should certainly be the game plan over excessive use. Variant 2 as well, more so for some than others obviously depending on roster and skill level. Having seen some of your war videos and soloing Thanos with Proxima I'd wager you land in the upper tier of the roster and skill categories making a lack of revives less an issue for you than for most.

    Really hasn't been an issue for me either but I use a fair bit of excess energy farming 20% revives which I now have a ton in stash for my next night off to get back into V2.

    The special Thanos bosses are very difficult. I backed out a few times to get the solo instead of forcing the win with items. The severity of bugs with that fight was additional motivation to burn energy instead of using items. Variant 2 had its moments with the 2.1 Adaptoid boss and a few other fights. IMO Variant 1 is MCOC’s best example of content that requires high item use to conquer.

    Returning to this thread’s topic, it may be that 4 hour cavalier crystals are similar to Map 7 crystals. Better rewards with an RNG range that makes 5* Punisher blush.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    V1PER1987 said:

    I’ve gotten maybe 5-7 revives since becoming cavalier but that’s between 2 accounts. So I would say I’ve gotten maybe 3 each. Still seems really low.

    Nice to know that they are there at least.

    This would be more of a concern if uncollected event quests or other recent content was difficult enough to warrant using revives

    Sure but I'm trying to save up to 100% other Variant 2 and 6.1. I have the units but don't want to use them and getting no revives isn't helping lol
  • Kabam PorthosKabam Porthos Moderator Posts: 4,676
    Hey guys, we've already addressed similar concerns in THIS discussion. To help keep the Forum tidy, I'll go ahead and close this one.
This discussion has been closed.