Rewind 12.0 champs?

LordRaymond3LordRaymond3 Member Posts: 394 ★★★
So. We've now got Namor who just broke the 5* featured record. Undoubtedly, there will he even more powerful champs coming into the contest. Don't you think the 12.0 champs should come back to what they were? Yes, they were pretty powerful, but look at the state of the game now.. another option would be to make another 12.0 patch where they tone down a bunch of the new insane champs, but I don't see that happening as that would cause an uproar in the community unless everyone got HUGE compensation like 5 RDTs

Rewind 12.0 champs? 58 votes

Undo 12.0
AchtungSnakeEyes69Snizzbarbenshbquando213Emil_LimsonCoBfan1987NojokejaymSpiderCoolsOmegaManRepto23KerneasIDogeTroy_Elric123jilanibuxTrill719Reverend_RuckusLordRaymond3Rougeknight87ThatOneMasterGamer 41 votes
Keep 12.0 changes
ArcDeAngelusGroundedWisdomSixshot1VoltolosSuros_moonJollyHawkPgalCheburashkaGhosty64bduns 10 votes
Make another 12.0
DarkestDestroyerLvernon15BrandonmballouanubhavdivinegamerDanasjonLoctiteSuperGlueDrooped2 7 votes


  • edited June 2019
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  • ẞlооdẞlооd Member Posts: 2,005 ★★★★
    Undo 12.0
    Drooped2 said:

    The problem with reversing 12.0 is ot.barely moves the posts.
    Very few have any of them as 5 stars and frankly 4s are dead.

    I'd rather them reign in the new op champs then buff a few that only a few really can use

    That's true, but it would still make sense for all the players out there who do rely heavily on 4*s still. Buffs are always very welcome too.
  • ArcDeAngelusArcDeAngelus Member Posts: 209
    Keep 12.0 changes
    Do you even remember how much of a walk in the park half the content was with these champs? As I haven't seen an RDT post today this takes the cake as the least thought out idea.
  • EvisceratorEviscerator Member Posts: 350 ★★
    edited June 2019
    Undo 12.0

    Do you even remember how much of a walk in the park half the content was with these champs? As I haven't seen an RDT post today this takes the cake as the least thought out idea.

    Keep in mind that enemies back then were weak with few nodes. Now we have things like 6.2.2 mr sinister. They were op back in the day, but likely would not be now
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  • Ghosty64Ghosty64 Member Posts: 171
    Keep 12.0 changes
    Drooped2 said:

    The problem with reversing 12.0 is ot.barely moves the posts.
    Very few have any of them as 5 stars and frankly 4s are dead.

    I'd rather them reign in the new op champs then buff a few that only a few really can use

    There still not crazy op to the point of a nerf
    Pre 12.0 Thor could take out ROL WS in 6 hits
    Maxed cull can only do it in like 80 or something
    Still crazy but not so much to the point of a nerf
    He doesn’t even overpower every single champ
    Give it another 3 months and there will be champs that make him somewhat obsolete
  • edited June 2019
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  • Reverend_RuckusReverend_Ruckus Member Posts: 407 ★★★
    Undo 12.0
    If another 12.0 is made, it’s just gonna make more players unhappy
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,947 ★★★★★
    Keep 12.0 changes
    It's not even possible to revert them at this point. The Champs weren't the only thing that changed.
  • OmegaManOmegaMan Member Posts: 383 ★★★
    Undo 12.0
    All of the champions that were needed in 12.0 because “they were not good for the game” need to be put back where they were. They would not be more powerful than Symbiote Supreme, Corvus, Proxima, Obsidian Cull, Nahmor, Blade, SE Spider-Man, etc etc etc.

  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,947 ★★★★★
    Keep 12.0 changes
    That's not the reason for the changes.
  • FreeToPlay_21FreeToPlay_21 Member Posts: 1,594 ★★★★
    edited June 2019
    Undo 12.0
    Pre 12.0 Thor did 102k mediums when ramped up. That's still way overpowered. We can have them reverted to some extent. If they become exactly as they were then god save the game.
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  • Suros_moonSuros_moon Member Posts: 490 ★★★★
    Keep 12.0 changes
    Drooped2 said:

    Do you even remember how much of a walk in the park half the content was with these champs? As I haven't seen an RDT post today this takes the cake as the least thought out idea.

    Keep in mind that enemies back then were weak with few nodes. Now we have things like 6.2.2 mr sinister. They were op back in the day, but likely would not be now
    Being able to stun lock and power drain will beat every node still. Sw 12.0 was a cheat code
    Limber lol. Spiked armor. Thorns. I forget the node name that deals bleed for striking them and poison for striking block. Not to mention some of these new nodes like aegis.
  • LordRaymond3LordRaymond3 Member Posts: 394 ★★★
    edited June 2019
    Undo 12.0
    Ghosty64 said:

    Drooped2 said:

    The problem with reversing 12.0 is ot.barely moves the posts.
    Very few have any of them as 5 stars and frankly 4s are dead.

    I'd rather them reign in the new op champs then buff a few that only a few really can use

    There still not crazy op to the point of a nerf
    Pre 12.0 Thor could take out ROL WS in 6 hits
    Maxed cull can only do it in like 80 or something
    Still crazy but not so much to the point of a nerf
    He doesn’t even overpower every single champ
    Give it another 3 months and there will be champs that make him somewhat obsolete

    Pre 12.0 Thor did 102k mediums when ramped up. That's still way overpowered. We can have them reverted to some extent. If they become exactly as they were then god save the game.

    Keep in mind guys, that the technique required a specific mastery set up and honestly, a lot of luck. You may be saying, it's not that hard to parry. But its lucky if the opponent dashes at you enough times within the armor break time period. To get the 4 armor breaks to make the 102k mediums possible, you need 4 parries in a matter of around 8 seconds, and the chance to get the critical hit. That takes skill and luck. Keep in mind there's also only 1 video out there of it, which just proves how rare that occasion would be.
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  • benshbbenshb Member Posts: 886 ★★★★
    Undo 12.0
    I was just about to start a thread like this. The 12.0 changes nowadays feels like a joke. Ok sure, the meta changed, but those champions remained dead. The only exception MAYBE is thor, but surely he need a state between the current and the pre 12.0 strongness. SW, DS, BW could be easily reverted, and yet, because the lack of utility they wouldn't feel gamebreaking, or 'Beyond God tier', according to Seatin's tier list.

  • DarkestDestroyerDarkestDestroyer Member Posts: 2,888 ★★★★★
    Make another 12.0
    Let’s nerf them all. Let them see how SW felt!
  • PgalPgal Member Posts: 39
    Keep 12.0 changes
    Keep the changes cause I don't have these champs ranked up ,lol
  • Marri_2Marri_2 Member Posts: 577 ★★★
    I think if you revert the champ changes DR will do a lot of work to address the unbalancing nature of these champs:

    Diminishing Returns will limit Thor's damage anyway: Consecutive armor breaks will break a little less with each stack. Would be cool if the 4* could at least still do a 80k SP3 if played right.

    Black Widow, great the 101% AAR but Diminishing Returns destroyed Pure Skill so she won't be viable everywhere with her damage output.

    SW: Stun lock etc won't happen anymore because you can't crit as much anymore. Diminishing Returns made Crit teams a whole lot less valuable. That being said, I think they should keep the current buff balance (reduced regen, reduced stun time, reduced regen trigger etc), but return Veil of Fortune to 100% at sig 99. Or release her as a 5*/6* with low prestige as is (because she was rebalanced quite well). Her damage output was greatly reduced too with DR. I used to do 65k SP2 regularly and 75k rarely. With a 4*!!! That's better than 4-55 Cap IW SP2 with 5 kinetic charges and a fury. Now I get 15-20k SP2 and if I am very lucky I might get 30k+. That's not OP by today's standards.

    DS: Return him to his original cycle with original stats except the regen, that's what would still be gamebreaking. I'd say that the life steal now is fine. You can't afford to make def mistakes, as with any champ. DR will lower the effectivenes of multiple armor breaks, so his dmg output won't be the same as before anyway.
  • Kabam PorthosKabam Porthos Moderator Posts: 4,676
    Hey guys, I understand your desire to see some of the older Champions in The Contest made more powerful, and this same suggestion was already made HERE.

    Prior to version 12.0, Champion attributes were represented by percentages instead of flat values. However, that system led us to a roadblock when we were trying to create new and exciting content, which is why we opted to change it after careful consideration.

    A lot has changed in the game since version 12.0, and many new Quests and Champions have been released. We have no plans to revert back to a percentage-based system like the one used previously as doing so could potentially cause a multitude of issues to occur.
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