Character "Balances" Next round?

In the next round of these changes, some of the champs really need to be upgraded like :
1) Stephen Strange
So the sorcerer supreme went through a PRETTY HUGE nerf in 12.0, and went straight from the best champ to just another tool in arena grinding. Now the other champs which were nerfed in 12.0 were made usable again, but no love for the doctor?
His base stats need to be upgraded.
His regen needs to be upgraded too, this new one is just ****. Make it like before but maybe lower the % of health gained like 30-35% health gained of damage done (at Rank5) instead of 55%.
2) Ant-man
Low prestige and very weak poison damage.
3) Kamala Khan
Why dis she so inferior to the other miss marvels? Seriously, she has nothing one could like. Her furies take too long to charge on heavy attacks.
1) Stephen Strange
So the sorcerer supreme went through a PRETTY HUGE nerf in 12.0, and went straight from the best champ to just another tool in arena grinding. Now the other champs which were nerfed in 12.0 were made usable again, but no love for the doctor?
His base stats need to be upgraded.
His regen needs to be upgraded too, this new one is just ****. Make it like before but maybe lower the % of health gained like 30-35% health gained of damage done (at Rank5) instead of 55%.
2) Ant-man
Low prestige and very weak poison damage.
3) Kamala Khan
Why dis she so inferior to the other miss marvels? Seriously, she has nothing one could like. Her furies take too long to charge on heavy attacks.
Couple of new champs and some bug fixes is about all we will get.
And the 5* release
Just wanted to let you know I have moved this to the proper place in the forums
Plus Loki needs some upgrade. Also, Venmpool's sig is poor. He's the combination of Venom and OG deadpool but worse than both in the game.
You know, I like venompool. His sig is kinda weak due to the activation chance. The luck buff actually increases that chance though, which is kinda redundant. As for trap spider, it forces you to take damage which is just bull ****. ITS A TRAP! Wait,'s a death wish.
DS is awesome on an all or nothing node with MD in AW.
KK on the other hand..... is just useless for everything (other than her fury buffs which triggers MD)
Vision age of ultron need 100% collar tech(or sp1 auto power gain) & health steal by sp1 & phase shift by sp2.
Make sp1 with better animation.
Little bit regen like iron patriot
Bleed resistance (not immune)
Little bit regen. Any debuff either passive or active is applied on hulk he regen 0.5% of total health as gamma willpower.
Arm break cap out to 3
Increase health steal amount by current value+100 as flat value.
Make it real chaos total unpredictable. More versatility in buff-debuff cycle. And bring back pre-nerf nullify chance.
Sp1 do direct damage.
Give him chance to bleed by basic attack too.
If he dont get hit for 7 sec the tough it out phase return for 3 sec
Resistance to cold snap degen. Power drain by sp2.
Damage reduction due to ability of elasticity. (like antman glancing)
Base value crit-cruelty increase