Colossus & OML re-works are NOT good, they made them WEAKER

After reading the updated spotlights for these two champs, what exactly did you make better? Honestly, you've nerfed them from what they were in the beta. Seems like you took none of the feedback that was given.
From this thread
"Kabam Miike" states "After looking at our data and the feedback from our Beta Testers, we wanted to make a few tuning adjustments prior to their release." & "We think you're going to like these new updated Champions".
What tuning adjustments were made? Where are the synergies from Emma Frost & Omega Red for Colossus? Will they be moved to them instead of being on Colossus like it was in the beta? Why was the Cyttorak synergy reduced from 2% to 1%?
Colossus Passive
Armor buffs provide armor rating:
Damage is capped at 150% of the opponent’s Attack rating - no change
Each time this damage cap is hit, Colossus’s Armor Up Buffs are refreshed. 50% chance to gain an additional Armor Up Buff lasting 15 seconds - no change
Well-Timed Blocks
If Colossus has the Parry Mastery, this Stun Debuff is disabled and instead, a successful Parry also deals direct damage
Special Attacks and Heavy Attacks:
Attack rating is increased by up to +2318, based on Colossus’s Armor Rating
The Passive Fury from the heavy on a stunned opponent
100% Chance Every 20 Seconds: This was 10 seconds in the beta - NERF a stupid & very unecessary change
Beta it was 700 - NERF
L2 - 80% chance per strike to inflict a Bleed Debuff, dealing 732 damage over 5 seconds
Beta it was 1468.6 damage over 5 seconds - NERF
L3 - deep bleed 1570 direct damage beta it was 3147 - NERF
deep bleed active +700 crit rating in beta, now it's 666.7 - NERF
Nothing that you introduced in the beta for these champs were game-breaking in any capacity, to any of the content. So there was no reason to go in & as you put it "fine-tune" these champs based on data & our feedback. Most feedback was for you to make them just a tab bit better than what you introduced, like keeping OML's regen passive or at the very least make it stronger, & yet here he is, weaker than what he was in the beta. Same deal with Colossus, he's weaker despite what you may say, but the numbers don't lie. Why we even bother giving you feedback is beyond me, it's not like any of you actually listen. Are they better than what they currently are, yeah, but should anything had been changed from the beta in regards to reducing their values no, but whatever..... this "fine-tune" flat out sucks!
From this thread
"Kabam Miike" states "After looking at our data and the feedback from our Beta Testers, we wanted to make a few tuning adjustments prior to their release." & "We think you're going to like these new updated Champions".
What tuning adjustments were made? Where are the synergies from Emma Frost & Omega Red for Colossus? Will they be moved to them instead of being on Colossus like it was in the beta? Why was the Cyttorak synergy reduced from 2% to 1%?
Colossus Passive
- Still has a 50% chance to gain an armor up buff for 15 secs - no change
- Beta was 37%
- now it's 40% - a good change
Armor buffs provide armor rating:
- Beta = 233.2
- now it's 222.2 - NERF
- Beta = 64.95
- now it's 61.8 - NERF
Damage is capped at 150% of the opponent’s Attack rating - no change
Each time this damage cap is hit, Colossus’s Armor Up Buffs are refreshed. 50% chance to gain an additional Armor Up Buff lasting 15 seconds - no change
Well-Timed Blocks
If Colossus has the Parry Mastery, this Stun Debuff is disabled and instead, a successful Parry also deals direct damage
- Beta = 1162 direct damage
- now it's 579 direct damage - NERF
Special Attacks and Heavy Attacks:
Attack rating is increased by up to +2318, based on Colossus’s Armor Rating
- In the Beta is was increased by 100%, & since his attack damage was based on armor buffs, this also feels like a NERF
The Passive Fury from the heavy on a stunned opponent
- Beta - I believe it was anywhere from 1.5 secs to 2 secs
- Now it's 3 secs - good change
- 100% chance to inflict an indefinite, Passive Fatigue on the opponent, reducing their Critical Rating by 2000
- Beta it was 2100 - NERF
100% Chance Every 20 Seconds: This was 10 seconds in the beta - NERF a stupid & very unecessary change
- Beta: regen 2359 health over 20 secs
- Now its regen 1307 health over 20 seconds - NERF
- Beta: +525 base Critical Resistance
- Now: +500 base Critical Resistance - NERF
- Beta: 1573.5 direct damage
- Now: now it's 785 - NERF
- Logans 1st special attack gains 1395 attack rating, in the beta it was 1069, so this is a POSITIVE change
- These Buffs last 12 seconds and grant +136 Attack.
- Beta it was +272.7 attack - NERF
Beta it was 700 - NERF
L2 - 80% chance per strike to inflict a Bleed Debuff, dealing 732 damage over 5 seconds
Beta it was 1468.6 damage over 5 seconds - NERF
L3 - deep bleed 1570 direct damage beta it was 3147 - NERF
deep bleed active +700 crit rating in beta, now it's 666.7 - NERF
Nothing that you introduced in the beta for these champs were game-breaking in any capacity, to any of the content. So there was no reason to go in & as you put it "fine-tune" these champs based on data & our feedback. Most feedback was for you to make them just a tab bit better than what you introduced, like keeping OML's regen passive or at the very least make it stronger, & yet here he is, weaker than what he was in the beta. Same deal with Colossus, he's weaker despite what you may say, but the numbers don't lie. Why we even bother giving you feedback is beyond me, it's not like any of you actually listen. Are they better than what they currently are, yeah, but should anything had been changed from the beta in regards to reducing their values no, but whatever..... this "fine-tune" flat out sucks!
I think you're comparing the 4-Star Values against Beta 5-Star Values.
* All stats based on 4-Star, Rank 5, Level 50, Signature Level 99
* All stats based on 5-Star, Rank 5, Level 65, Signature Level 200
then proceed to go down to the abilities with values listed, there's no way to tell what values coincide for which version which leads to confusion... you guys should say something like "all values listed in the abilities section are for the 4* version" and if applicable "doubled for their 5* counterpart"