Tenacity node in Uncollected 1.2

Why isn’t Omega able to bypass the tenacity above 10 spores? Tenacity node gives champions 75% chance to purify debuffs. Omega bypasses nodes like masochism which is 100% chance to purify and champions like sig 200 Korg who has 70% chance to shrug debuffs.

Is there some reason he can bypass natural Tenacity on enemies like Agent Venom but not the node?
On tenacity, you have to mainly rely on spore damage only. Same applies with AV I believe?
Proxima's ability accuracy reduction on blocks doesn't work against those two and I've suspected that their "shrug off" mechanic is exempt because under the hood they're actually trading the debuff for something else rather than just purifying it. Kingpin trades it for a Rage passive, King Groot consumes a Fury Buff to get rid of it.
Either way, Omega's ability *definitely* works against Agent Venom and he's the closest analog to the node since his ability is specifically Tenacity based.
Doubt its related, but just in case, a few months ago had masochism still happen against my ST (again with KM synergy) when fighting the Rhino on masochism path of 5.4.4. He worked fine on the rest of the path, but that had a few parries shrug off there.