Namor nerf

If you’re nerfing namor then well you owe me a lot of compensation, I’m talking the 5 star featured crystals i paid for to get him, which was 10 so that’s 110-150 thousand five star shards Im owed, the generic awakening gem I used on him, the resources to take him to rank 5 and I expect 200 sig stones back aswell, if I do not receive this in compensation then your game is a half fast joke.... you’re failure to test champions before release is not the summoners fault it’s yours... now we all suffer the consequences of your mistake? Lol don’t think so, it’s like winning 1 million pound on the lottery, letting them spend it, then saying six months later that you want £500000 back as you felt a million was too much to give away this is the perfect example of the mistake you’ve made.... I want my compensation
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