Please, for the love of everything MCoC, make it possible to sell from stash!! It's so time-consuming and tedious that we have to sell items from our inventory, then go to stash and claim items/ISO and then go back to inventory and sell them..when you have thousands of ISOs to sell (especially basic) the time and effort to do this is ridiculous!!!
Even if you make it where we can't sell what we want in one click from stash (don't wanna crash the servers LoL) make it so we can sell items at whatever increment you choose at a time (e.g., 1-10 at a time (for pots/arena boosts), and 25, 50 or 100 items at a time for ISO).
Even if you make it where we can't sell what we want in one click from stash (don't wanna crash the servers LoL) make it so we can sell items at whatever increment you choose at a time (e.g., 1-10 at a time (for pots/arena boosts), and 25, 50 or 100 items at a time for ISO).
Not likely to happen 😐
But they are pilling up.
Instead of claiming and selling. It's a pain.
Add a direct sell option from stash
Tier 1 2 iso.
XP boost for already level 60 players
Arena boost 3 star
Etc. Here and there.