Why did my alliance leader get banned ? Kabam is not giving any reason

We're in the middle of AQ, my leader got banned without any reason so my alliance basically has 29 operational members . This a 10.1 mil alliance with 1950+ war rating. It's affecting the whole alliance since we're in the competition for T4ccc. The only reasons we can find to this ban is him changing device 2 days ago or clearing LOL 100% weeks ago. This is a big spender not the best player but still cleared the easy path with a 5/50 SL and a couple Odins, and cleared the rest with his 4/55 SL level 120+ and AA and of course some Odins to make your way through as you guys know how hard LOL is. So please let us know what is happening with my alliance's leader account since we cannot do anything as officers and members. We don't even know how long the ban is. Please help Kabam
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