Prepare to be banned for Kabam's mistake..

I'm sure you all know about the newest glitch, receiving billions of gold. As a fair warning, please DO NOT claim the rewards, there is a chance that your account will be banned, even though it is Kabam's fault 100%. This is not like the EQ exploit when people were willingly abusing a glitch, Kabam might ban you for collecting rewards like everyone does...
This discussion has been closed.
None of their moves are good PR moves lol
SOme people have over trillions of gold, i wont give out names but that is some good stuff right there lol
I'd also like to say that this is a different situation from the Event Quest rewards exploit; bans that were issued for that exploit were only issued for knowingly using the exploit many times, not for accidentally getting extra rewards once.
You guys really need a Ingame broadcast system that sends emergency messages like this to everyone ingame
What happens if people put them in the alliance treasury
They have internal statistics. They have records of how much you were awarded. I don't know for sure, but I'm assuming they would have to remove it manually.
Now I'm in jeporday of getting banned?
I had 28,000 before .. I spent some gold on two 3 star characters ..not much and probably the amount of the money i already had ...
Why do people have to pay for another mans mistake? .. I'm not touching the gold no,more til the situation is fixed
Explain to me how they plan on rolling back what somebody did with 2k worth of gold when they had several million in gold before the error. They gosh darn well better not roll back anything I did.
If they rollback any gold u had prior to the glitch will still be urs
I would expect to see that letter.
Closing this thread down because it is pretty non-constructive.