Combo Party cruelty removal not affected by Combo Shield

This old bug has reappeared. Getting hit with a Combo Shield up is once again removing the Cruelty buffs and dealing damage.
iPhone 8 and iPhone XS Max
Latest release
Aegon on the team with proxima, no boosts. Occurred in both side quest and in 6.1.2.
(cost me a near full health aegon in side quest, pretty much ending that entry)
Please respond once you've passed the info to the team.
iPhone 8 and iPhone XS Max
Latest release
Aegon on the team with proxima, no boosts. Occurred in both side quest and in 6.1.2.
(cost me a near full health aegon in side quest, pretty much ending that entry)
Please respond once you've passed the info to the team.
As a regular g99 user, it's a pretty big issue.