One Of Diablo's Synergies Aren't Active

Diablo's "Unending Ambition" Synergy with Loki/Red Skull/Kingpin is not giving it's Listed Effect, it states "Personal Poison Debuffs become Passive and gain +10% Potency."

His Poison Debuffs do not become Passive as well his Poison Potency does not increase either, with Synergy my 6r2 deals the same 128 Damage Per Tick on his Poisons with and without the Synergy.

I've tested this Synergy with and without other Synergies but there was no change, also as far as I can tell every other Synergy works fine so 1 out of 5 ain't bad.
(Sorry for the Motion Blur Snapshots, my phone's Camera isn't the best... But it's easy to experience this Bug by simply having the Synergy in your team and noticing there's no change)
Post edited by Kabam Zibiit on