AOU Vision nerf?

Pls correct me if I’m wrong, I’m remember that AOU Vision used to burn 33% of opponent’s max power with his sp 3 same as the OG one. Now it’s only 15% for him while OG remain the same. I sent a ticket and kabam support did confirm it’s intentional.
If it has been changed it actually works in players favour if they play map5 and struggle to bait his sp1 or 2.
Wrong vision
I've checked with the team about this, and nothing has changed on Vision (AOU). While Vision (Original) does have a 33% power burn on his SP3, Vision (AOU) never did. His has always been 15%.
Remember, if there ever is a situation where something like this comes up, it's best to ask about it. We don't do silent adjustments on Champions, so if you ever feel that you have found something that looks like one, let us know! It's likely a bug, or just mistaken information (like this case).
What are you talking about in regards to Magneto?
This is wrong , we spend time, some times money in a Character and they nerf same important abilities that define de character. This is not a mistake, they are doing this some time with several characters.
Doing things like that with a game, it's disrespect to your players, if it stay like that, i'm going out.
OG Vision special 3 has been broken for a long time. Please have them fix it. It's supposed to burn max power but now it's only burning available power.
This thread is all over the place. Firstly, this is about AOU Vision, not OG Vision, so forget talking about synthesis.
Regarding AOU Vision, his SP3 has always been 15%, just look up Seatin or Joel Line on YouTube featuring this champ 12 months ago, it was 15% then and it's 15% now.
By all means, bash Kabam for what they're getting wrong, but don't muddy the waters by making up nerfs and conspiracy theories that never happened.