AW season 34 timer

The next war starts in 14hrs and there are supposed to be 3 wars left in the season, but the season timer shows less than 6 days.

Will this cause the season to be unintentionally cut short by 1 war?

Will this cause the season to be unintentionally cut short by 1 war?
If it's placement phase - 20 hrs, attack phase - 24 hrs and time between end of attack phase and start of next placement phase - 4hrs,
You need 20*3 + 24*3 + 4*2 = 140 hrs
But when placement for war 10 starts, the timer will have 5d 9 hrs left which is 5*24 + 9 = 129 hrs
Season appears to be finishing exactly 14 hours BEFORE attack phase ends on my final war.
Season End: Tue 21st June 8:00 (BST)
Final war ends: Tue 21st June 22:00 (BST)
This might be something that needs checking & following up on.
If the final war doesn't count towards season, this might impact players who needed to participate in it to qualify for season rewards. Better to get ahead of it now than deal with the with the fallout afterwards if it goes that way.