Cheaters in battlegrounds

Many players must have already still i request kabam to do something to get rid of modders in game. Look at the fight duration in below pic. 2 sec. Not much to say, expecting some action from kabam
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So much of battlegrounds is based on champ v. Champ matchup rather than skill, at least with the current lack of buffs in play.
I am a moderate TB, 2 r4 and about 12 r3, yet I have beaten a few accounts WAY stronger than mine. I have also lost often, so there is that. Including a few loses that on paper I should have easily won, but was out played.
I just don’t see why any account with under a 3M hero rating in the top is deemed a modder right away. Some are very obvious sure, but I am willing to bet that there are legit accounts in there that “look” like modders.
As next beta continue, there Is Stil many cheaters in BG(JUST see ladder, low lvl players without rosters). As I understand IT IS not easy to check them everyday, could u please send big Bang Wave before rewards based on leaderboards position Will be sent? I remember u did last Wave maybe half ani year ago...
If cheaters gonna get reward for top 1000 I Will feel to be cheated, because spent a lot od Real money in game mainly because battlegrounds. Also i understand IT IS beta, So any information about ban Waves after bg live Will be welcomed too.
Thank you in advance.
They're so "extraordinarily skilled" that they're doing with their limited rosters what most players can't do with their comparatively bigger rosters
- occassionally beating some bigger accounts, and
- maintaining a high position on the leaderboard without a big account
1st one is possible.....2nd isn't
Also, kudos to the guy I saw with the 6r1, no suicides having corvus who finished a 6r4 CGR in under 10 seconds and remained at 100% health.
If you have evidence of suspicious behaviour, you can click on their icon and then click the "Report" button, or you can report it to the Support Team here.
Hangout in global or just do some random searches and you would be shocked how many amazing and skilled active players in the level 40 range with r3 5 stars in profiles have 100% abyss profile pic. Their skill is clearly in a league of it's own