Thoughts on relics in battlegrounds?

As the title says, I'm curious to hear others input. Personally, relics seem unnecessary & honestly, kind of stupid. I get using them in personal aspects of the game but for those of us who have no interest, or others where they might be unattainable puts people in at a severe disadvantage. Can't use them in war, which is competitive, so why in BGs? Also competitive. Not only worrying about potential modders is difficult enough
Now something to keep in mind though, even though the Mode was made for Relics, it doesn't mean that there can't be unforeseen interactions that could require some action. Hopefully we don't have those, but it could happen.
While ur opinion is welcome, don't force others based on ur opinion.
Personally, looking forward to it 😀
It could of worked better in War first coz everyone is locked in their tiers from day 1 of the season (as in, a bronze ally can't face a master ally). ** I assume relics are first going to be awarded to those people who finish high up in glad circuit?** ... which certainly creates an unfair advantage. If the guys who finish top 10 in BGs season are awarded one then come next season when we all start from scratch, them 10 players will have something that literally nobody else has.
I enjoyed using Strikers in SQ previously, so I’m keeping an open mind. However, wish they decided to release Relics in Nov EQ/SQ to give everyone a chance to develop that new skill.
Story content, long form content (abyss) and special content (Guantlet) are where these things would be incredible, but for some reason that’ll likely be the last place we’re able to use them.