Best Idea to solve gold problem

Just remove the fees to enter arena fights (400/1000G) this way we will "earn" ~300g per arena round, nothing too crazy here but this will encourage people to do arena more in order to earn there gold, especially after 6* (1-25 cost ~600k!!) or give us more ways to earn gold.
What do you guys think? do you agree? or don't agree?
Please Kabam make the adjustment!
What do you guys think? do you agree? or don't agree?
Please Kabam make the adjustment!
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( 480k G ) nothing too crazy but this is something to help solve the problem !!
have some positivity and maybe they will do it
glad you like it, hopefully they will do it
Thanks for sharing your opinion
Agree, but maybe both? and even increases the gold from milestones, ALL solo events milestones are outdated
let's hope Kabam see this
I do all milestones for every arena (I have 3.5m gold atm) it's more than enough if I'm upgrading 4* but I'm not, I want to upgrade 5 and 6* instead you know?
maybe your 5* roster is small to judge the current situation !