Is really that easy to screw an entire alliance in AW, Kabam?

fcg237fcg237 Member Posts: 24
I play this game for almost 3 years..i was lucky to grow in the game by playing with really good people. Always trying to improve and play better. And a couple of days ago i found that all that effort can be destroyed by opening a simple and miss leading ticket to kabam's support team. Our ally struggle to achieve platinum 3 and we faced a Chinese alliance that was clearly stronger than ours. We played honestly and spend a bunch of items to finish 100%. But in the middle if the war, in the wars room, the other ally was accusing us of piloting, just because we didn't die as much as they thought we would. Ok, war room is the place for this kind of just want to make it more competitive. The bottom line...we lost the AW and one day later our officials got an in game message saying that we were punished by violating Kabam's terms of service. We went from Platinum 3 to Gold 1 and lost AW Score...we started to talk with each other to understand what just happened...nobody understood and all players were and are playing normally with their accounts. We tried to reach Kabam's support to understand the situation and asked for at least some minimal information about the punishment. We only got automatic answers and no information or reason for what happened.

So my questions are, how can i alliance be punished for piloting and no member be banned? how can the officials react against those players by kicking out and help Kabam to achieve a better and honest game, if kabam don't give any informations regarding it?

I just dont want to believe that a simple ticket to kabam support, accusing alliances of piloting, is enough to take severe actions like the one we just faced. If you will punish an entire alliance (30 people), you should know that innocent players will be harmed too. Players that spend in the game and in the aw. For the respect those players deserve, Kabam should at least give enough informations for the actions taken. Kabam will never make this game a better place for honest players if you don't share and add us in the process. We are all aware of the rules and support severe actions against dishonest behavior. So, please, stop with the automatic answers for all kind of questionings.

Our alliance is now struggling again to return to platinum 3 and then 2 that are our goal...but we still dont know what was the cause of the punishment and we are really worried that it could happen again in the future...if happens again with no reason, good players will start to leave the alliance and probably the game.

@Kabam Miike i hope you can read this and help us to build a better MCOC to everyone! See you in the game.


  • Mitchell35Mitchell35 Member Posts: 1,897 ★★★★
    Dude, that sucks
  • AureussAureuss Member Posts: 1
    Really discouraging to realize how much this company is partial ... Bonus players who spend lots of money. Just a spender, kabam odins buyer, complain that you, like the Inquiry Court, have already sent the alleged offender to the fire, without publicity of his actions and with a ridiculous and vague foundation that one or more players violated the terms ... When you err and seriously harms the player they apologize and sends ridiculous rewards that do not correspond to 0.01% of what we have already spent with this game. Its very very bad..
  • fcg237fcg237 Member Posts: 24
    i would appreciate your comments/thoughts @Kabam Miike
  • klobberintymeklobberintyme Member Posts: 1,688 ★★★★
    fcg237 wrote: »
    I play this game for almost 3 years..i was lucky to grow in the game by playing with really good people. Always trying to improve and play better. And a couple of days ago i found that all that effort can be destroyed by opening a simple and miss leading ticket to kabam's support team. Our ally struggle to achieve platinum 3 and we faced a Chinese alliance that was clearly stronger than ours. We played honestly and spend a bunch of items to finish 100%. But in the middle if the war, in the wars room, the other ally was accusing us of piloting, just because we didn't die as much as they thought we would. Ok, war room is the place for this kind of just want to make it more competitive. The bottom line...we lost the AW and one day later our officials got an in game message saying that we were punished by violating Kabam's terms of service. We went from Platinum 3 to Gold 1 and lost AW Score...we started to talk with each other to understand what just happened...nobody understood and all players were and are playing normally with their accounts. We tried to reach Kabam's support to understand the situation and asked for at least some minimal information about the punishment. We only got automatic answers and no information or reason for what happened.

    So my questions are, how can i alliance be punished for piloting and no member be banned? how can the officials react against those players by kicking out and help Kabam to achieve a better and honest game, if kabam don't give any informations regarding it?

    I just dont want to believe that a simple ticket to kabam support, accusing alliances of piloting, is enough to take severe actions like the one we just faced. If you will punish an entire alliance (30 people), you should know that innocent players will be harmed too. Players that spend in the game and in the aw. For the respect those players deserve, Kabam should at least give enough informations for the actions taken. Kabam will never make this game a better place for honest players if you don't share and add us in the process. We are all aware of the rules and support severe actions against dishonest behavior. So, please, stop with the automatic answers for all kind of questionings.

    Our alliance is now struggling again to return to platinum 3 and then 2 that are our goal...but we still dont know what was the cause of the punishment and we are really worried that it could happen again in the future...if happens again with no reason, good players will start to leave the alliance and probably the game.

    @Kabam Miike i hope you can read this and help us to build a better MCOC to everyone! See you in the game.

    Hey you must have missed my other account saying this before it got muted:

    Reporting an alliance doesn't get it banned.
    The investigation can be triggered by a complaint, or caught in the normal dragnet.

    If you're modding, the system flags the offending accounts and issues bans on a schedule.

    If there's egregious piloting (1 account logs into 20 others specifically for war, and at no other time), that's a ban.

    If multiple accounts show suspicious login patterns specifically for just AW (say, everyone suddenly remembers to VPN war attack), that's a war deduction but no specific ban.

    It's like when guys log in and can't see arenas anymore but weren't banned.

    These aren't wild guesses, btw- let's just say I know what I'm talking about.
  • WackerlieWackerlie Member Posts: 55
    How do we really know you guys weren't piloting? Ya sure they might mess up and punish a wrong alliance but doesn't happen often. There not just out there punishing alliances for doing nothing
  • John757John757 Member Posts: 1,087 ★★★
    Cheater cheater pumpkin eater
  • fcg237fcg237 Member Posts: 24
    Wackerlie wrote: »
    How do we really know you guys weren't piloting? Ya sure they might mess up and punish a wrong alliance but doesn't happen often. There not just out there punishing alliances for doing nothing

    I agree man. Maybe we really deserved the punishment, but this is not what the discussion is about. My main point here is that Kabam doesn't give a clue of who was the responsible for violating the terms of service. If you punish someone you have at least to say why he was punished...imagine when you punish 30 players for the act of one player...the other 29 innocent players have the right to know why they got punished...this is a right by law. You can't go to jail just because some judge unilaterally decided to do it...

    What Kabam does is similar to a physician saying to his patient that he has cancer and ask him to leave...ok, but kind of cancer, what should i do to be cured???

    Imagine if i want to destroy a specific ally...i get accept then i start to pilot in aw, do the first time, the ally gets punished and i stay in the it the second time and then the third time until the ally is completed destroyed by losing AW points and this fair??? no!

    What i am asking is that Kabam give us the respect we deserve by telling the leader and officials why they got punished and the terms breaker. In that way we can keep the game fair for everyone.
  • JamesMJamesM Member Posts: 133
    edited August 2018
    I played in alliance where there was big spenders, didn't like a few of the players in general so I left after only 3 weeks. A week later they got 300 points knocekd from their war rating taking them from plat2 to gold1. To summarize, it happens to cheaters in spending alliances also.
  • JamesMJamesM Member Posts: 133
    It is extrely rare when people admit they violated TOS, don't take their word for it.
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  • DarthPhalDarthPhal Member Posts: 1,064 ★★★★
    Wackerlie wrote: »
    How do we really know you guys weren't piloting? Ya sure they might mess up and punish a wrong alliance but doesn't happen often. There not just out there punishing alliances for doing nothing

  • AngelicsignAngelicsign Member Posts: 391 ★★
    EvilEmpire wrote: »
    Bottom line, if whatever infraction is enough to warrant a war ranking or season points reduction then a player should also receive some type of ban so they can be identified. It’s honeslty ridiculous how badly 29 innocent guys get their season rekt because of 1 dirty player.

    “This will reveal information on action taken to players.”
    So they will not do it. I think what Kabam expects leaders may do once they realized the penalty, is to kick 29 players from ally to ensure no further drops in rating.

  • fcg237fcg237 Member Posts: 24 after all comments and opinions that shows the MCOC community asks for a change, we didnt get a word from "the guys" is sad, but or you accept it or leave it.
  • New_Noob168New_Noob168 Member Posts: 1,600 ★★★★
    You probably don't know all 30 of your members..Maybe some were piloting after Kabam investigated.
  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    Hey there, the forums aren't really the place to discuss actions taken on game accounts and, due to our privacy policy, we cannot discuss any actions taken on game accounts. That being said, I would like to let everyone know that submitting a ticket will not result in a action being taken in and of itself. Reporting suspicious activity in the game can lead to an investigation and actions can be taken based on the results of an investigation, but not just because a ticket was sent in.
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