Symbiote Supreme Bugs

Being a proud new owner of a 6* Symbiote Supreme I've done a lot testing with him and have noticed a few bugs/issues with him:
1. When he is in "Null's Shadow" mode a well-timed block (ie. parry) is supposed to put a passive stagger on the opponent 100% of the time. Right now he is NOT placing a stagger on every parry while in this mode. My guess is that instead of being coded as an increase to 100% (as it's written on the ability) it's instead multiplying the base 15% chance by 100% making it 30%.
2. His level 3 states that it resets the timer of the current blessing and then activates all blessings. The way it works right now is that any blessing you are currently in at the time of using an L3 does NOT have it's timer reset, instead remaining at the same duration left on the timer from before the L3.
3. Not really a bug but still frustrating none the less is his short back dash. I had really hoped that the developers wouldn't intentionally put in any more champions with short back dashes but here we are again. His back dash length is not as short as Morningstar but not as long as an average champions, ending up somewhere similar to Dr.Voodoo. It doesn't impact every matchup but it makes fighting certain move sets much more difficult as his dash doesn't put him outside the reach of the enemies next attack. This leads to situations where you get cornered much faster trying to bait specials as instead of creating space the AI continues attacking. As an example for testing the general female moveset (Magik, Witch, Widow, etc.) is a prime example of this interaction.
1. When he is in "Null's Shadow" mode a well-timed block (ie. parry) is supposed to put a passive stagger on the opponent 100% of the time. Right now he is NOT placing a stagger on every parry while in this mode. My guess is that instead of being coded as an increase to 100% (as it's written on the ability) it's instead multiplying the base 15% chance by 100% making it 30%.
2. His level 3 states that it resets the timer of the current blessing and then activates all blessings. The way it works right now is that any blessing you are currently in at the time of using an L3 does NOT have it's timer reset, instead remaining at the same duration left on the timer from before the L3.
3. Not really a bug but still frustrating none the less is his short back dash. I had really hoped that the developers wouldn't intentionally put in any more champions with short back dashes but here we are again. His back dash length is not as short as Morningstar but not as long as an average champions, ending up somewhere similar to Dr.Voodoo. It doesn't impact every matchup but it makes fighting certain move sets much more difficult as his dash doesn't put him outside the reach of the enemies next attack. This leads to situations where you get cornered much faster trying to bait specials as instead of creating space the AI continues attacking. As an example for testing the general female moveset (Magik, Witch, Widow, etc.) is a prime example of this interaction.
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In this game a parry is ALWAYS a well-timed block that has stun effect on the opponent but we just call it a parry anyway.
A well-timed block isn't always a parry because there can be a no stun involvement situation (i.e. when against a stun immune and debuff immune node).
Based on my repeated reading of Sym Supreme's Null's Shadow ability (the blue icon), it's clearly says "Well timed blocks increase the Chance to 100%" which means a 100% to put a stagger on opponents upon a well-timed block.
This isn't he case in the video here.
No stagger is triggered at 0:07 of the vid. Please watch the other video in my YT channel for more example of this bug.
So I conclude that it's a bug that need a quick fix. It would be a little lost value in his abilities if this continue to happen.
PS: Mind you, I've tested this several times and tried to record them but my tablet doesn't do well with the apps and these 2 videos are the best I can produce ATM.
From what I can tell, Symbiote Supreme's Chthon's Cunning phase is not working properly at the start of fights.
From his spotlight:
I've been playing around with him a lot and have noticed that at the beginning of the fight he doesn't deal any damage when nullifying the enemy buffs, and he also doesn't gain any genetic potential either. He does seem to consistently strip their buffs at the start, but he doesn't deal the nullify damage. It came to my attention recently when fighting a Sym. Supreme in variant and he immediately nullified my Voodoo's regen and dealt almost 5k damage. I thought it was strange because I knew that wasn't happening for me when I was playing with Sym. Supreme. However, according to his abilities and the Developer Notes in the spotlight, it seems he is indeed supposed to be nullifying their buffs and dealing that damage at the start of the fight, as he is triggering Chthon's Cunning.
I've also experienced the inconsistency with staggers applying from parries while in Null's Shadows and the current blessing not resetting after using an L3.
After watching your video and doing some testing it appears that buffs that activate at the start of the fight are coded differently from champion to champion.
Against Unstoppable Colossus - Fight starts, Nullify notification pops up, Unstoppable removed, Mystic Dispersion procs
Against Dr.Voodo - Fight starts, No notification, No mystic dispersion power gain, but his regen was still prevented
It looks like Howard the Duck's 8 armors are coded the same as Dr.Voodo's regen, where they are removed "invisibly" without showing the Nullify text or triggering MD or giving you genetic potential.
0:36 - 0:50 6 parries during Null's Shadow without a single stagger
1:03 - 1:23 Level 3 doesn't refresh active blessing
2:35 - 2:40 2 parries during Null's Shadow don't trigger stagger
3:00 - 3:30 Level 3 doesn't refresh active blessing
4:25 - 4:40 2 parries during Null's Shadow don't trigger stagger
5:00 - 5:30 Level 3 doesn't refresh active blessing
5:51 Vs Unst. Colossus - Start of match unstoppable is nullified and damage is done (correct)
6:14 Vs Dr.Voodoo - Start of match regen is nullified but no damage is done (bug)
6:35 Vs Civil Warrior - Start of match armor ups are nullified and damage is done (correct)
7:02 Vs Howard The Duck - Start of match armor ups are nullified but no damage is done (bug)
8:02 Vs Venom - Start of match buffs are not nullified at all (bug)
Hey there, thanks for the video! We've been taking a look into some of this and while we are still looking into some of what you mentioned, we do have some info. First, we are still investigating the issues you reported with Nullifying buffs at the start of the fight. Second, our investigations into Stagger were giving different results than what you shared in your video, but we have passed along the footage you sent in for further review.
Lastly, in regards to refreshing the blessings on SP3, the SP3 is actually adding a new stack of each blessing, which stacks with the one that is already active. The oldest stack will expire first, but the second stack will still have the same amount of time on it as the other blessings added by the SP3, so it will be active for the same amount of time as the others. If you slow down the video from about 1:18-1:22, you can actually see this happening.
Thank you for the response, I'm glad to hear that you guys are looking into these issues.
I'm curious if you can share what results you were getting when testing his stagger during Null's Shadow. He can still trigger staggers on block/parry in this mode, so I want to be clear that the issue is this part "Well timed blocks increase the Chance to 100%". The important word there is "to" instead of "by" meaning that EVERY parry should place a stagger on the enemy since the chance is changed from 15% to 100%. We see in my video this is not the case. As a side note during my tests I had 3/3 parry mastery which I would assume you had during your tests.
As for the special 3 I guess the wording was the issue, as it does function exactly as you've written we just weren't sure if that's what was intended. So when the special says "Reset the Genetic Blessing timer" it isn't referring to the buff itself but rather the timer that controls when a new blessing is activated. Basically this line is just there to say that we won't cycle into a new genetic blessing until the 3 we just got from the special run out. Hopefully that was understandable.
and the issue with doctor vodoo is still a thing and is very weird
However, I found out that's far from true. Please follow the video link below and read the description under the video.
But if you so choose to watch it here, the bug happened at 0:15, 0:35, 0:37.
From 0:39 until the end, that's what should've happened for a successful well-timed block.
PS: from his signature ability, he will apply a stagger after a certain time duration. So you will see the stagger increases when there's no well-timed block. That's of course not a bug.
when I use sym supreme against king groot, venom, corvus, howard the duck, etc., he nullifies their buffs at the start of the fight, but doesnt inflict any damage
interesting though, when it comes to the opposite, when I use corvus, king groot, venoma against sym supreme, I take massive amount of damage at the start of the fight
@Kabam Miike where's the update on this?
Hey there, thanks for the video! We've been taking a look into some of this and while we are still looking into some of what you mentioned, we do have some info. First, we are still investigating the issues you reported with Nullifying buffs at the start of the fight. Second, our investigations into Stagger were giving different results than what you shared in your video, but we have passed along the footage you sent in for further review.
Lastly, in regards to refreshing the blessings on SP3, the SP3 is actually adding a new stack of each blessing, which stacks with the one that is already active. The oldest stack will expire first, but the second stack will still have the same amount of time on it as the other blessings added by the SP3, so it will be active for the same amount of time as the others. If you slow down the video from about 1:18-1:22, you can actually see this happening.
@Kabam Zibiit what's the update on this "investigation" of yours 3 months ago, specifically nullifying buffs at the start of the fight without inflicting any damage?
im very baffled, so then I tested king groot against symbiote supreme, wow! he finally deals the large amount of damage at the start of the fight.
what could be the reason for this? why is there a difference between using him on offense and meeting him on defense. it this intended to perform this way? love to hear your thoughts
is this working as intended?
Dr. Zola
I experience the same thing with SW. When I’m using her all she does is weakness and power drain once the whole fight. But when I’m fighting against her I see buffs loading like crazy. And this is every fight when I’m using her. I hardly activate poison, healing, heal block, power lock, power gain or whatever.
My brother likes using her because she gets everything activated. But for me the RNG works opposite.
I dont think this is a case of RNG
his ability says 100% chance at the start of the fight to nullify all buffs and deal damage for each buff removed.
and we can tell it's not RNG based, because in the fight against king groot, he has already nullified all fury buffs from king groot (king groot already in regeneration mode), it's just that he didnt deal any of the damage that he was supposed to based on each buff removed.
So the first blessing (Chthon) has a 100% chance to nullify all buffs. That’s what you get at the fight start.
Did KG have any buffs active at the start of the fight? What was your genetic potential? There’s that “based on Genetic Potental” clause in there.
Dr. Zola
EDIT: I’m guessing SS doesn’t gain any genetic potential for his initial stagger of buffs on champs. I just dueled a 5/50 4* Howard and it took me 34 hits (no specials). Seems like that ought to be one of those insanely quick fights.
you can also compare when i use sym supreme vs. king groot , and when I use king groot vs. sym supreme. the difference is that one dealt damage, and the other didnt
Dr. Zola
i just did a little bit search. it seems that this has been a bug for a few months now.