New Alliance Wars Matchmaking System & Season 8 Details



  • TaintedTainted Member Posts: 15
    edited February 2019
    @Kabam Miike can’t help but notice you’ve skipped over all concerns over the forced 7pm (GMT) start time that will cause problems for some alliances
    Because they care too much. They either delete or skip whatever is not in their favor.
    We will end up spending 24/24h here or move to kabam hq just to be sure we get a match. Pathetic.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,329 ★★★★★
    @Kabam Miike can’t help but notice you’ve skipped over all concerns over the forced 7pm (GMT) start time that will cause problems for some alliances

    Not a big deal. Regardless of the start time, alliances still have 24 hours for attack phase. It doesn’t make a difference whether that 24 hours start at 7pm, or 7am.

    The bulk of my alliance is from GMT+8 and AW starts at 2-3am for us. We still get the job done by 10pm every single time.
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,085 ★★★★★
    xNig wrote: »
    @Kabam Miike can’t help but notice you’ve skipped over all concerns over the forced 7pm (GMT) start time that will cause problems for some alliances

    Not a big deal. Regardless of the start time, alliances still have 24 hours for attack phase. It doesn’t make a difference whether that 24 hours start at 7pm, or 7am.

    The bulk of my alliance is from GMT+8 and AW starts at 2-3am for us. We still get the job done by 10pm every single time.

    It’s not about when you get done. It’s about placement times. Take today as an example. I’m running my 4/55 Medusa in AQ from roughly 4pm ET until we clear tomorrow. Because we do matchmaking at 7pm, I’ll have a few hours after finishing AQ to place that Medusa as a defender.

    The proposed system would require defenders to be locked at 2pm, so we would have to either ensure we clear early or risk playing without her.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,329 ★★★★★
    edited February 2019
    MaatMan wrote: »
    xNig wrote: »
    MaatMan wrote: »
    Andrewkole wrote: »
    Also I hear what people are saying about the start times.. but every single alliance has 24 hours to complete the map... that is the same as before. They aren’t dictating which hours you want to use to do so.

    Noted it will hurt alliances with random people in other places in the world.

    if an entire BG is in the same / similar timezone it will be no issue at all....
    if a BG has 2-3 different timezones it could become very very hard.
    if the boss killers are from AUS it could be really band as most aussies will be asleep for the last 6hrs of war

    Then don’t wait till the last 6 hours of war before opening the boss up. What happened to the 18 hours (and the 3 energy given once Attack phase starts) before the last 6 hours?

    Lol dude....
    Dont think you understand the term “international alliance.
    So ....
    We have americans asleep.....
    Aussies are awake and waiting for americans to unlink us....
    Americans wake up but now it is like midnight in AUS and aussies are sleeping...
    War ends at 6am before us aussies wake up...

    It goes like this.....
    Lunch time for aussies and europeans are asleep.
    Evening time for aussies and americans are asleep.
    Now coming to end of war and aussies are asleep.

    Much much harder to co-ordinate bgs.
    When we could have war start / end 9-10am aussie time everyone is awake.
    Now it wont be.

    See for example right now it is 1pm aussoe time.
    Maybe i have an american waiting to be unlinked by a sleeping european.
    The european wakes up but now the american is asleep.
    Me being the aussie is waiting for the american to unlink me.
    He wakes up but now i am asleep and cant finish my path before war ends.

    What i am saying is it is going to be much much harder for international alliances.

    @Kabam Miike did you guys think bout this??
    Only easy solution is to not be an international allinace....
    And thats not wat we want. We dont wanna have to kick peeps just to be able to do war

    Then swap up the pathings so it's easier to coordinate.

    If you get an Aussie and American to tag team to clear the middle lanes, that's on your path planning right?

    For eg, because the bulk of my alliance is almost from the same timezone (GMT+8), we have the american/european guys help with Paths 1/3/9 first so when we are sleeping, they can still move efficiently. Then when we are awake (and they are sleeping), we finish up the remaining paths and coordinate to clear the middle. At around 10pm my time, the americans/europeans are awake and we take down the boss together.

    Similarly, another BG has an European with predominantly GMT+8 members. He's asleep from 8am to 4-5pm my time. So he helps with the middle path (7-6), which means he can clear his first tier when he's awake, go to bed while the others start clearing the other paths to unlink him, wake up and come on to coordinate to clear the middle.

    Like I said, it just takes just abit more planning on the pathing. You cannot expect changes to be made to accommodate your own alliance and yours only. For the greater good of the community (i.e. not needing to stay up late to start matchmaking, removing collusion and bad mismatches etc), these changes are needed.
  • SSGNick556SSGNick556 Member Posts: 26
    What about the current matchmaking system failing to match alliances and they end up missing wars during season as a result?! Like now. My alliance has been matchmaking for 2 hrs and nothing and now our season is screwed! This is BS!!
  • RichiesDad79RichiesDad79 Member Posts: 1,013 ★★★
    So now wars are gonna start at 7am, same as my job? This isnt good. Nice try though.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,329 ★★★★★
    SSGNick556 wrote: »
    What about the current matchmaking system failing to match alliances and they end up missing wars during season as a result?! Like now. My alliance has been matchmaking for 2 hrs and nothing and now our season is screwed! This is BS!!

    This system was put in place exactly to combat that. Read the announcement.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,329 ★★★★★
    So now wars are gonna start at 7am, same as my job? This isnt good. Nice try though.

    Spend energy when it starts. Don’t fight if it’s inconvenient. Clear during lunch break, clear after work, check after dinner, check before going to bed. What’s the issue?
  • MavRCK_MavRCK_ Member Posts: 497 ★★★
    @Kabam Miike

    Great job on this new system. Thank you.

    Is there any plan to address shell alliances which are swapped to and from after seasons? How about removing an alliance’s rating and resetting to 1500 when they have been unused or tanked? Look at the number of shell alliances in the top 100 rating. This cheating needs to stop.
  • MaatManMaatMan Member Posts: 958 ★★★
    edited February 2019
    xNig wrote: »
    MaatMan wrote: »
    xNig wrote: »
    MaatMan wrote: »
    Andrewkole wrote: »
    Also I hear what people are saying about the start times.. but every single alliance has 24 hours to complete the map... that is the same as before. They aren’t dictating which hours you want to use to do so.

    Noted it will hurt alliances with random people in other places in the world.

    if an entire BG is in the same / similar timezone it will be no issue at all....
    if a BG has 2-3 different timezones it could become very very hard.
    if the boss killers are from AUS it could be really band as most aussies will be asleep for the last 6hrs of war

    Then don’t wait till the last 6 hours of war before opening the boss up. What happened to the 18 hours (and the 3 energy given once Attack phase starts) before the last 6 hours?

    Lol dude....
    Dont think you understand the term “international alliance.
    So ....
    We have americans asleep.....
    Aussies are awake and waiting for americans to unlink us....
    Americans wake up but now it is like midnight in AUS and aussies are sleeping...
    War ends at 6am before us aussies wake up...

    It goes like this.....
    Lunch time for aussies and europeans are asleep.
    Evening time for aussies and americans are asleep.
    Now coming to end of war and aussies are asleep.

    Much much harder to co-ordinate bgs.
    When we could have war start / end 9-10am aussie time everyone is awake.
    Now it wont be.

    See for example right now it is 1pm aussoe time.
    Maybe i have an american waiting to be unlinked by a sleeping european.
    The european wakes up but now the american is asleep.
    Me being the aussie is waiting for the american to unlink me.
    He wakes up but now i am asleep and cant finish my path before war ends.

    What i am saying is it is going to be much much harder for international alliances.

    @Kabam Miike did you guys think bout this??
    Only easy solution is to not be an international allinace....
    And thats not wat we want. We dont wanna have to kick peeps just to be able to do war

    Then swap up the pathings so it's easier to coordinate.

    If you get an Aussie and American to tag team to clear the middle lanes, that's on your path planning right?

    For eg, because the bulk of my alliance is almost from the same timezone (GMT+8), we have the american/european guys help with Paths 1/3/9 first so when we are sleeping, they can still move efficiently. Then when we are awake (and they are sleeping), we finish up the remaining paths and coordinate to clear the middle. At around 10pm my time, the americans/europeans are awake and we take down the boss together.

    Similarly, another BG has an European with predominantly GMT+8 members. He's asleep from 8am to 4-5pm my time. So he helps with the middle path (7-6), which means he can clear his first tier when he's awake, go to bed while the others start clearing the other paths to unlink him, wake up and come on to coordinate to clear the middle.

    Like I said, it just takes just abit more planning on the pathing. You cannot expect changes to be made to accommodate your own alliance and yours only. For the greater good of the community (i.e. not needing to stay up late to start matchmaking, removing collusion and bad mismatches etc), these changes are needed.

    It sure as hell makes things alot harder. Esp when people have lives too.
    Also not everyone has he right champs/skill for certain paths so they have the path they are best at.
    Now we need to spend hours and hours restructuring our bgs and maybe finding replacments and hopint that people can complete their new path assignments.
    We play this game for fun and this just further adds to the stress level of war and means tha now we are going to have to be very demanding of peoples times.

    Yes we needed changes but you cannot ignore the fact that this change very adversly affects international allies.

    My bg1 which is all gmt +8 and +10 will finish in about 12 hrs.
    My other 2 bgs are going to really really struggle now just because of timing.

    Also gmt makes it alot better too cus as you say americans are awake at 10pm ur time. Thats not until midnight in my timezone.
    Thats a huge difference.

    You cannot deny the fact that this makes things alot harder for alot of people and there may very well be alot of alliances that struggle to complete due to this.

    There could have been these chamges made and had the option of 2-3 different start / finish times. Or the attack window could be increased to 30 hours.
    That way there is more time that removes this stress and wars will still be completed in the same timeframe as they are now.

    Just because it is ok for you doesnt mean it is ok for everyone.
  • MaatManMaatMan Member Posts: 958 ★★★
    @xNig look at the amount of comments here saying the timing is an issue. Does that not show you it is an issue for many people.
    everyone should work together.
    The game should allow flexibility in your life.

    Keep the timing as they plan to but reduce / remove linked nodes.
    Have only links linking minis.
    That way pths can be taken as peeps are available but bosses still cant be cleared till everyone is done.
    Surely this has gotta benifit everyone.
    @Kabam Miike is removing linked nodes on paths something that can be looked at?
    That way everyone gets the benifit of these improvements but without potential timezpne issues
  • Grandpajb50Grandpajb50 Member Posts: 13
    I don’t like the idea of starting wars at 11am pst.

    That is time when most people in my alliance are either at work, in school, or sleeping (because they either work graveyard shift or evening to middle of the night).

    Most of wars we’ve done have been started around 5pm pst because that time fits best with the largest number of our members.

    Most of our members are in USA though we have at least one in UK and in the past we have had members in Australia and India too.

    Starting wars at 11am will mean vast majority of our members won’t be able to fight in wars for several hours after they begin nor for several hours before they end.
  • Tjk602Tjk602 Member Posts: 85
    What if we want wars and just have two week off season versus one week off and one preseason? I prefer the rewards
  • Grandpajb50Grandpajb50 Member Posts: 13
    I don’t like the idea of starting wars at 11am pst.

    That is time when most people in my alliance are either at work, in school, or sleeping (because they either work graveyard shift or evening to middle of the night).

    Most of wars we’ve done have been started around 5pm pst because that time fits best with the largest number of our members.

    Most of our members are in USA though we have at least one in UK and in the past we have had members in Australia and India too.

    Starting wars at 11am will mean vast majority of our members won’t be able to fight in wars for several hours after they begin nor for several hours before they end.

    Also, not being able to fight at beginning and end of a war, will have result of fewer energy to use in the war because there is less energy accumulation when fight times are contiguous than when a long time at work (or other) is between them. As it has been, we sometimes don’t have enough energy to reach the boss. Starting at 11am will make this much more common unless wait time for energy is reduced.
  • MaatManMaatMan Member Posts: 958 ★★★
    Tjk602 wrote: »
    What if we want wars and just have two week off season versus one week off and one preseason? I prefer the rewards

    Wars probably need to be down to allow for the new system to come into place properly.
    It wont be available till after the new update.
    But moat importantly i dare say this is to combat tanking to try and ensure alliances start off the new season under new matchmaking as close to where they finish this season as possible

  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,329 ★★★★★
    MaatMan wrote: »
    @xNig look at the amount of comments here saying the timing is an issue. Does that not show you it is an issue for many people.
    everyone should work together.
    The game should allow flexibility in your life.

    Keep the timing as they plan to but reduce / remove linked nodes.
    Have only links linking minis.
    That way pths can be taken as peeps are available but bosses still cant be cleared till everyone is done.
    Surely this has gotta benifit everyone.
    @Kabam Miike is removing linked nodes on paths something that can be looked at?
    That way everyone gets the benifit of these improvements but without potential timezpne issues

    It’s only the vocal minority that basically says it’s an issue. What about those that aren’t saying anything?

    To put it into perspective, after you eat at a restaurant, how likely are you to post a good review compared to a bad one should the experience go either way?
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,329 ★★★★★
    edited February 2019
    MaatMan wrote: »
    xNig wrote: »
    MaatMan wrote: »
    xNig wrote: »
    MaatMan wrote: »
    Andrewkole wrote: »
    Also I hear what people are saying about the start times.. but every single alliance has 24 hours to complete the map... that is the same as before. They aren’t dictating which hours you want to use to do so.

    Noted it will hurt alliances with random people in other places in the world.

    if an entire BG is in the same / similar timezone it will be no issue at all....
    if a BG has 2-3 different timezones it could become very very hard.
    if the boss killers are from AUS it could be really band as most aussies will be asleep for the last 6hrs of war

    Then don’t wait till the last 6 hours of war before opening the boss up. What happened to the 18 hours (and the 3 energy given once Attack phase starts) before the last 6 hours?

    Lol dude....
    Dont think you understand the term “international alliance.
    So ....
    We have americans asleep.....
    Aussies are awake and waiting for americans to unlink us....
    Americans wake up but now it is like midnight in AUS and aussies are sleeping...
    War ends at 6am before us aussies wake up...

    It goes like this.....
    Lunch time for aussies and europeans are asleep.
    Evening time for aussies and americans are asleep.
    Now coming to end of war and aussies are asleep.

    Much much harder to co-ordinate bgs.
    When we could have war start / end 9-10am aussie time everyone is awake.
    Now it wont be.

    See for example right now it is 1pm aussoe time.
    Maybe i have an american waiting to be unlinked by a sleeping european.
    The european wakes up but now the american is asleep.
    Me being the aussie is waiting for the american to unlink me.
    He wakes up but now i am asleep and cant finish my path before war ends.

    What i am saying is it is going to be much much harder for international alliances.

    @Kabam Miike did you guys think bout this??
    Only easy solution is to not be an international allinace....
    And thats not wat we want. We dont wanna have to kick peeps just to be able to do war

    Then swap up the pathings so it's easier to coordinate.

    If you get an Aussie and American to tag team to clear the middle lanes, that's on your path planning right?

    For eg, because the bulk of my alliance is almost from the same timezone (GMT+8), we have the american/european guys help with Paths 1/3/9 first so when we are sleeping, they can still move efficiently. Then when we are awake (and they are sleeping), we finish up the remaining paths and coordinate to clear the middle. At around 10pm my time, the americans/europeans are awake and we take down the boss together.

    Similarly, another BG has an European with predominantly GMT+8 members. He's asleep from 8am to 4-5pm my time. So he helps with the middle path (7-6), which means he can clear his first tier when he's awake, go to bed while the others start clearing the other paths to unlink him, wake up and come on to coordinate to clear the middle.

    Like I said, it just takes just abit more planning on the pathing. You cannot expect changes to be made to accommodate your own alliance and yours only. For the greater good of the community (i.e. not needing to stay up late to start matchmaking, removing collusion and bad mismatches etc), these changes are needed.

    It sure as hell makes things alot harder. Esp when people have lives too.
    Also not everyone has he right champs/skill for certain paths so they have the path they are best at.
    Now we need to spend hours and hours restructuring our bgs and maybe finding replacments and hopint that people can complete their new path assignments.
    We play this game for fun and this just further adds to the stress level of war and means tha now we are going to have to be very demanding of peoples times.

    Yes we needed changes but you cannot ignore the fact that this change very adversly affects international allies.

    My bg1 which is all gmt +8 and +10 will finish in about 12 hrs.
    My other 2 bgs are going to really really struggle now just because of timing.

    Also gmt makes it alot better too cus as you say americans are awake at 10pm ur time. Thats not until midnight in my timezone.
    Thats a huge difference.

    You cannot deny the fact that this makes things alot harder for alot of people and there may very well be alot of alliances that struggle to complete due to this.

    There could have been these chamges made and had the option of 2-3 different start / finish times. Or the attack window could be increased to 30 hours.
    That way there is more time that removes this stress and wars will still be completed in the same timeframe as they are now.

    Just because it is ok for you doesnt mean it is ok for everyone.

    True enough. It makes things harder, but that doesn’t mean you do not adapt and make the necessary changes, instead of wanting Kabam to bend over and accommodate your needs when there is a bigger picture of alliances having mismatches, intentional collusion, and other myriad of issues with the current system affecting the integrity of the game.

    To end it all, look at the comments against these changes in the matchmaking system.

    The vast majority of them start with “I’m against this because my alliance...”

    See the bigger picture from a community perspective instead of from your own well.
  • MaatManMaatMan Member Posts: 958 ★★★
    edited February 2019
    xNig wrote: »
    MaatMan wrote: »
    xNig wrote: »
    MaatMan wrote: »
    xNig wrote: »
    MaatMan wrote: »
    Andrewkole wrote: »
    Also I hear what people are saying about the start times.. but every single alliance has 24 hours to complete the map... that is the same as before. They aren’t dictating which hours you want to use to do so.

    Noted it will hurt alliances with random people in other places in the world.

    if an entire BG is in the same / similar timezone it will be no issue at all....
    if a BG has 2-3 different timezones it could become very very hard.
    if the boss killers are from AUS it could be really band as most aussies will be asleep for the last 6hrs of war

    Then don’t wait till the last 6 hours of war before opening the boss up. What happened to the 18 hours (and the 3 energy given once Attack phase starts) before the last 6 hours?

    Lol dude....
    Dont think you understand the term “international alliance.
    So ....
    We have americans asleep.....
    Aussies are awake and waiting for americans to unlink us....
    Americans wake up but now it is like midnight in AUS and aussies are sleeping...
    War ends at 6am before us aussies wake up...

    It goes like this.....
    Lunch time for aussies and europeans are asleep.
    Evening time for aussies and americans are asleep.
    Now coming to end of war and aussies are asleep.

    Much much harder to co-ordinate bgs.
    When we could have war start / end 9-10am aussie time everyone is awake.
    Now it wont be.

    See for example right now it is 1pm aussoe time.
    Maybe i have an american waiting to be unlinked by a sleeping european.
    The european wakes up but now the american is asleep.
    Me being the aussie is waiting for the american to unlink me.
    He wakes up but now i am asleep and cant finish my path before war ends.

    What i am saying is it is going to be much much harder for international alliances.

    @Kabam Miike did you guys think bout this??
    Only easy solution is to not be an international allinace....
    And thats not wat we want. We dont wanna have to kick peeps just to be able to do war

    Then swap up the pathings so it's easier to coordinate.

    If you get an Aussie and American to tag team to clear the middle lanes, that's on your path planning right?

    For eg, because the bulk of my alliance is almost from the same timezone (GMT+8), we have the american/european guys help with Paths 1/3/9 first so when we are sleeping, they can still move efficiently. Then when we are awake (and they are sleeping), we finish up the remaining paths and coordinate to clear the middle. At around 10pm my time, the americans/europeans are awake and we take down the boss together.

    Similarly, another BG has an European with predominantly GMT+8 members. He's asleep from 8am to 4-5pm my time. So he helps with the middle path (7-6), which means he can clear his first tier when he's awake, go to bed while the others start clearing the other paths to unlink him, wake up and come on to coordinate to clear the middle.

    Like I said, it just takes just abit more planning on the pathing. You cannot expect changes to be made to accommodate your own alliance and yours only. For the greater good of the community (i.e. not needing to stay up late to start matchmaking, removing collusion and bad mismatches etc), these changes are needed.

    It sure as hell makes things alot harder. Esp when people have lives too.
    Also not everyone has he right champs/skill for certain paths so they have the path they are best at.
    Now we need to spend hours and hours restructuring our bgs and maybe finding replacments and hopint that people can complete their new path assignments.
    We play this game for fun and this just further adds to the stress level of war and means tha now we are going to have to be very demanding of peoples times.

    Yes we needed changes but you cannot ignore the fact that this change very adversly affects international allies.

    My bg1 which is all gmt +8 and +10 will finish in about 12 hrs.
    My other 2 bgs are going to really really struggle now just because of timing.

    Also gmt makes it alot better too cus as you say americans are awake at 10pm ur time. Thats not until midnight in my timezone.
    Thats a huge difference.

    You cannot deny the fact that this makes things alot harder for alot of people and there may very well be alot of alliances that struggle to complete due to this.

    There could have been these chamges made and had the option of 2-3 different start / finish times. Or the attack window could be increased to 30 hours.
    That way there is more time that removes this stress and wars will still be completed in the same timeframe as they are now.

    Just because it is ok for you doesnt mean it is ok for everyone.

    True enough. It makes things harder, but that doesn’t mean you do not adapt and make the necessary changes, instead of wanting Kabam to bend over and accommodate your needs when there is a bigger picture of alliances having mismatches, intentional collusion, and other myriad of issues with the current system affecting the integrity of the game.

    To end it all, look at the comments against these changes in the matchmaking system.

    The vast majority of them start with “I’m against this because my alliance...”

    See the bigger picture from a community perspective instead of from your own well.

    Dude i dont think you even read what i said.

    I know these changes are needed.
    I know that people abusing aw needs to stop.
    I am not against them as a whole.

    Heck i even offered two other potential solutions that would allow things to be fixed but also have a better timing for people.

    It seems to me that you love it cus you are banking on the fact some will struggle and hoping that means ur alliance does better.

    I am thinking about the whole community you are not.
    You have the narrowminded tunnel vision here.
    You like this because it fixes a problem.
    So do i.
    But i can also see another problem here and want that fixed.
    You dont.

    Dont be happy to accept a half job.
    Ask for the full job to be done.

    This whole thing is great. Now lets get a timing that works well for everyone.
    As i said lengthen attack phase and it fixes this issue.
    All the benifits of the new system reamain without the downside.

    I will glady accept these changes for the benifit of fairer wars and fairer war system for all.
    I am just stating the downside and asked it be looked at.
    Everyone should always look at the positives and negatives.
    Always ask to fix the negatives.
    The negatives here can be fixed without harming the positives.
  • MaatManMaatMan Member Posts: 958 ★★★
    Haji_Saab wrote: »
    So when do we replace people? Or are we supposed to go with 29 people? if someone quits / gets kicked?

    May be I am missing something here?

    Not missing anything.
    You can recruit during enlistment.
    So basically once a week.

    If you need to replace someone between war 2 and war 3 you cant.
    You either kick them before and have them missing during war 2 so u can recruit for war 3
    Or you kick them after war 2 but then they wint be available for war 3 as matchmaking starts straight after war 2 ends.

    So really the only opportunity is at the conclusion of war 3 and prior to matchmaking for war 1

    Less than ideal really.
    I would like to think it is not something i will have to worry about but if someone does need replacing it is gunna be hard.
    War with only 29 is not ideal although i can say i have won a few like that.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,329 ★★★★★
    MaatMan wrote: »

    There could have been these chamges made and had the option of 2-3 different start / finish times. Or the attack window could be increased to 30 hours.
    That way there is more time that removes this stress and wars will still be completed in the same timeframe as they are now.

    Just because it is ok for you doesnt mean it is ok for everyone.

    Dude i dont think you even read what i said.

    I know these changes are needed.
    I know that people abusing aw needs to stop.
    I am not against them as a whole.

    Heck i even offered two other potential solutions that would allow things to be fixed but also have a better timing for people.

    It seems to me that you love it cus you are banking on the fact some will struggle and hoping that means ur alliance does better.

    I am thinking about the whole community you are not.
    You have the narrowminded tunnel vision here.
    You like this because it fixes a problem.
    So do i.
    But i can also see another problem here and want that fixed.
    You dont.

    Dont be happy to accept a half job.
    Ask for the full job to be done.

    This whole thing is great. Now lets get a timing that works well for everyone.
    As i said lengthen attack phase and it fixes this issue.
    All the benifits of the new system reamain without the downside.

    I will glady accept these changes for the benifit of fairer wars and fairer war system for all.
    I am just stating the downside and asked it be looked at.
    Everyone should always look at the positives and negatives.
    Always ask to fix the negatives.
    The negatives here can be fixed without harming the positives.

    First of all, if you wanna talk and claim that you’ve provided solutions, ensure they’re well thought through. Your solutions are ridiculous. Having 2-3 start times makes sure that matches between alliances are narrowed and the system becomes easy to manipulate again. Increasing attack phase to 30 hours, with 4 hour match making window, makes it so that alliances have 14 hours to place their defenders. And someone will say it’s insufficient time because they’re sleeping through the 14 hours especially over the weekends.

    No I don’t see that my alliance will do better. It’s just playing the game as usual because we start AW as soon as possible to guarantee a match. If there are changes, and we can do something about it, we have worked and will work around it, even if it means going through a tough transition phase.

    The problem here is people are unwilling to adapt to changes and make the necessary adjustments to make things work out.

    You mentioned that your alliance will need to put in “hours and hours to restructure BGs and possibly look for replacements” etc. Look man, that’s on you. It’s something YOUR alliance can work around but REFUSE to put in the effort to do so. Instead, you highlight it as a potential “problem” so Kabam can offer the solution to you.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,329 ★★★★★
    Haji_Saab wrote: »
    So when do we replace people? Or are we supposed to go with 29 people? if someone quits / gets kicked?

    May be I am missing something here?

    You can replace people anytime but it seems that the optimal period is during maintenance.

    Otherwise it’ll be before the war ends, provided you get the new guy in. This causes them to forfeit their war rewards but in the grand scheme of things, it’s really relatively minor rewards, esp if both alliances are losing their current wars.
  • SSGNick556SSGNick556 Member Posts: 26
    xNig wrote: »
    SSGNick556 wrote: »
    What about the current matchmaking system failing to match alliances and they end up missing wars during season as a result?! Like now. My alliance has been matchmaking for 2 hrs and nothing and now our season is screwed! This is BS!!

    This system was put in place exactly to combat that. Read the announcement.

    Look fella I appreciate you feeling like you should chime in but your message doesnt help my alliances situation. 30 of us will now lose are status and rewards that we've worked for for the past 4 wks.
  • Fabi1989Fabi1989 Member Posts: 112
    Can you give a answer what you will do against Shell alliances?
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,329 ★★★★★
    SSGNick556 wrote: »
    xNig wrote: »
    SSGNick556 wrote: »
    What about the current matchmaking system failing to match alliances and they end up missing wars during season as a result?! Like now. My alliance has been matchmaking for 2 hrs and nothing and now our season is screwed! This is BS!!

    This system was put in place exactly to combat that. Read the announcement.

    Look fella I appreciate you feeling like you should chime in but your message doesnt help my alliances situation. 30 of us will now lose are status and rewards that we've worked for for the past 4 wks.

    How long from the cutoff did your alliance start matching? What’s the war rating and tier?

    You can’t blame Kabam or expect compensation because no other alliance was searching at the time you were.
  • Jizzleman12343Jizzleman12343 Member Posts: 1
    Was any other alliance in Platinum 3 bracket left without an opponent for the last war of the season? Just wondering how many got screwed. Caused us to drop to gold 1
  • Carmel1Carmel1 Member Posts: 632 ★★★
    @Kabam Miike
    can you consider changing the timing a bit, to fit bit better the time you usually release AQ/SA rewards so new players that want change alliances can collect their rewards first?
    or at least to change starting time of AW attack to be closer to the time AQ start (12pm - 1pm PST) so it won't hurt players with smaller roster that run AQ map6 with champtions that usually are place on defense.

    i also recommend to add new feature to the alliance leader to automatically join the AW pool (with an option to run 1/2/3 bgs) so if there are alliances that most of their leadership is in India Timezone they don't need to worry about wake up in the middle of the night to click the "join" button (4 hours window is too short for some)
  • DKTDKT Member Posts: 13
    Easy way to render the time zone issue is reduce timer for energy. Make it about strategy and not inconvenience
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,329 ★★★★★
    Carmel1 wrote: »
    @Kabam Miike
    can you consider changing the timing a bit, to fit bit better the time you usually release AQ/SA rewards so new players that want change alliances can collect their rewards first?
    or at least to change starting time of AW attack to be closer to the time AQ start (12pm - 1pm PST) so it won't hurt players with smaller roster that run AQ map6 with champtions that usually are place on defense.

    i also recommend to add new feature to the alliance leader to automatically join the AW pool (with an option to run 1/2/3 bgs) so if there are alliances that most of their leadership is in India Timezone they don't need to worry about wake up in the middle of the night to click the "join" button (4 hours window is too short for some)

    I think you’ve mistakened. You can click “Enlist” for the next war anytime during the current defense phase, attack phase or maintenance. This gives the leadership 48-72 hours to click the “Enlist” button.
  • Frattattack86_Frattattack86_ Member Posts: 34
    This is hilarious everyone complaining about the now having timing issues with war. If you can complete AQ then you can complete war, and war takes half the energy AQ does.
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