my first r5: who should it be?

o_oo_o Member Posts: 840 ★★★★
I finally have the resources to take someone to r5. Could use some advice!
For context, i've completed Act 5... i consistently finish monthly epic EQ but have trouble with exploration. Hopefully a rank 5 champion will help with that, plus reaching cavalier and maybe some variant content. (I've only done v4.)
1, 2) Guilly 2099 and Stealth Spidey seem like solid options. My Guilly gameplay needs a lot of work though. And i like Spidey's utility but he feels kind of flimsy to me.
3) All things being equal, i'd probably rank up Omega. But i don't think i have the patience to wait for 5 more t4CCs. And he's already pretty amazing at r4.
4) It may seem silly that i'm considering these other guys, but they're all part of my AQ or AW offense teams and i love them. Of this bunch, GR seems the best candidate.
5) i have several good r3s that i could rank up. that's another possibility.

any feedback appreciated.

my first r5: who should it be? 29 votes

Guillotine 2099 (unduped)
DrownedGodshadow_lurker22RemeliNaymSkim 4 votes
Stealth Spidey (sig 50)
Kill_GreyHedronlowlevelplayer 3 votes
wait for 5 more mutant t4 CCs, then r5 Omega Red (sig 100)
thetaman23bassalaBuckeyeKP_ASDF_WorknprogressChelseaFCSmashTJ107doctorbX_Factor_AgentjonzerRulllorAaronc94Wade420wilson69BaluleeBawa69GrieferMadnessChewie420Corvus_lover_17JJMAC 20 votes
other (Blade, Ghost Rider [duped], Venom, Wasp)
Ultraegg 1 vote
none... instead, take someone to r4 (for example Darkhawk [duped] or Rag Hulk)
SnakeEyes69 1 vote


  • o_oo_o Member Posts: 840 ★★★★
    Omega Red in a landslide. Dang. It's going to take forever to get those 5 mutant t4CCs.
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