Best champ to upgrade?

Who are the best champs to bring up 4* rank 4?
Ghost Rider vs Guillotine vs Dr Strange
Star Lord vs Nebula vs Vision (Age of Ultron)
Black Panther vs Karnak vs Daredevil
Gambit vs Iceman vs Old man Logan
Drax vs Captain Marvel vs Venom
Suggest your Best one from each class.
Ghost Rider vs Guillotine vs Dr Strange
Star Lord vs Nebula vs Vision (Age of Ultron)
Black Panther vs Karnak vs Daredevil
Gambit vs Iceman vs Old man Logan
Drax vs Captain Marvel vs Venom
Suggest your Best one from each class.
SL, if duped. If not, Vision
Daredevil, unless it's Netflix version. Then BP