AQ new background very annoying

I dont know who at kabam decided to make the background in map 5 the same as the lines we have to walk on. We cant see the lines clearly. That makes it anyoing and most of all it gone hurt my eyes.
Please kabam make adjustment to the background or to the color of the lines. I hope in other rooms it is not a problem.
Please kabam make adjustment to the background or to the color of the lines. I hope in other rooms it is not a problem.
This background is terrible, way tooo bright. Who can see the dotted paths???? Please change this so it is easy on our eyes.
Map 6 below
A glacier? Really?
What I'd like is like map of poisonous dark green asteroids
Like the regular maps but since the aq is the domain of Scorpion and Toad who are toxic... so can be cool
What’s worse is they started this AQ on Friday… FRIDAY!! Which means they probably won’t fix it until Monday 😞😒
Can't even see the paths 😵💫 Whose idea was this? Did they try to play for more than 5 seconds before their eyes desintegrated?
Btw Im not a fan of the bright burning lava they had on last week either, during the failed AQ. That had my eyes watering as well.
Can't we just have a simple, no fuss, darkish background?
The contrast seems to be tuned up way too much. Doesn't Kabam know that a lot of their players play the game while sitting on a toilet in the dark? That is way too bright