Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Want to add Mister Negative to the game?

edited December 2017 in Suggestions and Requests
Mr. Negative Class: Abilities Main predisposition: Villain Tags: Villain, Spider-Man, Punisher, Abilities Biography: Martin Lee is an illegal immigrant from the province of Fujian, who went to the US to be with his wife. However, the ship on which he went on a journey was on the slave ship of the Snakehead, who sold people to Kenya. But the ship got into a storm, the crew of the ship was evacuated, but leaving the captives alone off the coast of New York. Lee was the only survivor and spent the next years earning a great fortune, and also devoted himself to helping those who were less fortunate. Abilities: Mr. Negative receives 10 negative charges every 10 seconds from the beginning of the battle. The maximum number of negative charges is 10. If Mister Negative uses a heavy attack, then all negative charges will be transferred to the enemy. From 1 negative charge, the opponent will have 10-40 direct damage within 10 seconds. 1 negative charge on the enemy reduces the effectiveness of all positive effects by 5%. 1 charge of negativity on Mister Negativa applies to the damage of 5%. 1 Special attack: "name" - around the hands of Mr. Negative, there is a dark energy of which he beats the enemy, and the enemy adjusts the effect of penetrating armor for 20 seconds. 2 special attack: "name" - Mr. Negative makes two hits with his hands, and then collects dark energy, shoots it at the enemy, thereby nullifying all the positive effects on the enemy, and setting a ban on healing for 25 seconds. 3 special attack: "name" - Mr. Negativ collects all the energy into himself, and then explodes, while the enemy is being adjusted: penetration of armor for 30 seconds, prohibition of cure for 30 seconds, zeroing of all positive effects from the opponent, and impotence by 30 seconds. Crown: Mr. Negative can increase the maximum number of charges to 20 with a chance of 80% and up to 30 with a chance of 30% Synergy: Enemies: Spider-Man, Punisher: The Spider-Man has a 30% chance of evading enemy strikes. The Punisher has a chance to inflict bleeding by 40% At Mr. Negative, every 2 seconds, 2 negatives are spinning instead of 1. A unique synergy is not combined with other synergies.

Want to add Mister Negative to the game? 14 votes

ArtoriasREN_BOLHedlinerelgaberinogmail_on_com4Killmonger988Rowan2009Prtjo 8 votes
SolswerdTeranosawrNexus_UY_Scutishchong2NEUROPLEXUSL1d3rA 6 votes
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