Champs not available as a 5*. Why? Time to change it.

Why are champs like wolvie and wwii and sw not 5*?
It makes no sense....
Soon i will no longer be using them as 4* as there will be much better options due to 5* in my roster.
I think woth the way 4* are gunna be less usefull itnis time to add them.
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Wolf @Kabam Vydious
It makes no sense....
Soon i will no longer be using them as 4* as there will be much better options due to 5* in my roster.
I think woth the way 4* are gunna be less usefull itnis time to add them.
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Wolf @Kabam Vydious
This discussion has been closed.
also, you have some champs with the same if not better utility than the unreleased 5* champs.
5* GR = Better version of post 12.1 DS.
5* Elektra/Crossbones = Better version of Sig 99 BW.
5* Dormammu/Psylocke/Magik = almost as if not more reliable power control than Vision.
5* Hyperion/Angela/Medusa = Better than Thor.
5* Blade = better version of Wolvie. more reliable regen and some more utility. X-23 can be here too as she is basically Wolvie (with Less Regen/More Damage).
5* OG Cap = not very comparable to WW2 Cap but still decent.
as for SW counterpart, i don't know. but i'll say DV and GR are way more reliable than her.
It is nonsensical in my opinion . Therenis no vaild reason. I only mentioned those three as examples. But i believe it should extend to all champs being available across all tiers.
I can have a 5* blade god but not a 5* wolvie god?
I can have a 5* carnage garbage but not. 5* joe trash?
Seriously there is no need for your immature trolling here...
It's being marked as spam because multiple people have brought up this topic multiple times and it has been answered multiple times. Therefore it's been marked as spam, and therefore I am marking it as spam too.
EXACTLY ur not first person to post this,
do some research, i bet u think u would love to trade champions aswel?
I looked around before posting and could not find an answer which is why i posted.
If this has infact been answere please link me to it....
And also the game has changed recently. With the addition of so many god tier 5* and he impending release of 6* that even if it has been answered before things are at a different stage and would require re-evaluation
I would hate trading...
and i looked for an answer. instead of trolling, if it has been answered, be helpful and link it. Also as said before game is changing... time for re evaluation
what do i need to know about u anyways? i never assumed anything but WE see these post all the time.
game is evolving yes, i was here when game came out and had only 25 characters to its name.
kabam already stated they are not releasing these champs as 5* otherwise they would be as 5*
here what i GOOGLED, is it really that hard?
I see they say why they currently dont exist as a 5*
But they do not say if they will and or why they wont make it happen. Which is the question
thats because they wont answer it to you here, thats none of our decision to make so sit down, and play casual
You saying i dont is stupid. What is the point of a forum if i cant asl the mods for answers?
But yeah my question is why not add them now.
Not why are they not already there.
This does not answer that
do u not get that?
All the champs the exosted before 4* have been added as 4*. Why not 5*
yet u get mad when we mark it as spamm and the MODS will see it? hah ok
All you have done os linked me to posts saying that
“They do not exist because 5* did not exost wen these champs joined the contest.”
Nothing that says if and why they will or wont be added.
It is time to change it, it needs to happen.
It's like them not having a 5* Optimus Prime and Bumble Bee on the Transformers Game... makes no sense!
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Wolf @Kabam Vydious can we get a real reason as to why these haven't come yet, or a reason why they won't be?
The simple answers we get, like "no plans at this time" aren't good enough, just be honest and tell us why they really haven't been introduced yet pleaseeee
It is outdated and was never even answered proplerly.
so 1 year ago they had no plans. We are now 1 year later and the contest os a different place.
First of all why no plans 1year ago? They never said
The contest has chamged vastly. We are now 1 year down the track. it is time to re-evaluate surely....
Wolverine is my favourite Marvel character and I won't be the only one, yet in a Marvel game he only goes upto a 4*, I mean 4*s are pitiful now, hardly any use for them at all, even new ones.
And yet they have both Iron Man and Superior Iron Man. lol. #KABAMPLZPUTMSMARVELANDWW2CAPINTHE5STARCRYSTAL
Exactly what I'm saying!
Come at me bra