List of champs that won't get 5* version

From the released list of current and future 5*s it appears that there are no plans for the following champs to get a 5* version:
Black Bolt
Black Widow
Captain America WWII
Daredevil (Netflix)
Dr. Strange
Joe Fix-it
Magneto Marvel Now
Ms. Marvel
Scarlet Witch
The Vision
War Machine
I think they exclude champs from having 5* versions for one of three reasons:
1. They are a reskin champ or they have a reskin champ (Abomination, Netflix Daredevil, Mags Now, Ms. Marvel)
2. They are a very useful champ (Black Widow, Electro, Thor, Vision, Witch)
3. They used to be considered a very useful champ (Strange)
Captain America WWII and Wolverine fit both criteria 1 and 2.
War Machine and Joe Fix-it may fit criteria 1, but I don't consider them to be as much of a reskin as the other champs.
Black Bolt doesn't fit any criteria, not sure why he is excluded. I would guess that Black Bolt is getting a reskin. But he doesn't fit in the upcoming chart of 120 champs (which is really only 112 champs btw).
One flaw to my theories is that they released both Iron Man and Superior Iron Man which are very close reskins and they are releasing Cyclops 90's which is an exact reskin of Cyclops xavier. Also, they are releasing all of the Spidey champs as 5*. So...
I am most bummed by the release of Cyclops 90's as he is exactly the same as the ugly Cyclops.
I am most bummed by the non-release of The Vision. He is one of my favorite champs, and sad to see that he is not getting a 5* version. I guess they will be selling OG Vision for $$$$$.
Black Bolt
Black Widow
Captain America WWII
Daredevil (Netflix)
Dr. Strange
Joe Fix-it
Magneto Marvel Now
Ms. Marvel
Scarlet Witch
The Vision
War Machine
I think they exclude champs from having 5* versions for one of three reasons:
1. They are a reskin champ or they have a reskin champ (Abomination, Netflix Daredevil, Mags Now, Ms. Marvel)
2. They are a very useful champ (Black Widow, Electro, Thor, Vision, Witch)
3. They used to be considered a very useful champ (Strange)
Captain America WWII and Wolverine fit both criteria 1 and 2.
War Machine and Joe Fix-it may fit criteria 1, but I don't consider them to be as much of a reskin as the other champs.
Black Bolt doesn't fit any criteria, not sure why he is excluded. I would guess that Black Bolt is getting a reskin. But he doesn't fit in the upcoming chart of 120 champs (which is really only 112 champs btw).
One flaw to my theories is that they released both Iron Man and Superior Iron Man which are very close reskins and they are releasing Cyclops 90's which is an exact reskin of Cyclops xavier. Also, they are releasing all of the Spidey champs as 5*. So...
I am most bummed by the release of Cyclops 90's as he is exactly the same as the ugly Cyclops.
I am most bummed by the non-release of The Vision. He is one of my favorite champs, and sad to see that he is not getting a 5* version. I guess they will be selling OG Vision for $$$$$.

4. They are weak champions that will be buffed and the devs are waiting to make sure they don't get overbuffed before releasing 5* version (Abomination, Black Bolt, Netflix, Strange, Fix-it, War Machine)
But they are releasing Spidergwen and Kamala, so probably not the a real criteria.
He hits like a truck and has poison immunity, every sp has a stun and he generates his own buffs on crits...he'd be an awesome 5*
Same move set, different Champ.
I have a duped 4/40 Black Bolt. He would be an awesome 5*. I just meant that the 5* Thor would have my attention way more than Black Bolt
They literally just added reskins: blue cyke and black spider-man. Also there's 3 different skins of Iron Man already in
Yes. As I said:
DS is powerful? Nope
Now that is really sad. You sure?
I know. Classic DD has amazing utility.
I got it from the post where they listed all the 5* that will be released. These champs were not included.
I think they'll all be added eventually. Just not right now. Maybe not the Premium Champs like OG Vision.
I hope you're right but it doesn't sounds like it:
"Why aren’t Dr Strange, Black Widow, etc., on the list of Champions to be added?
We don’t currently have plans to release some of our previously released Champions as 5-Star variations."
You're saying that they will release eventually because they say "currently"?
True. When you think about it logically, it makes sense. They nerfed them because they weren't able to offer better content and not have the God Tier dominate the game. It takes time for a game to balance. If they put out the 5* Versions right after, that would defeat the purpose because those Champs would become another God Tier. Not to mention it could be perceived as an insult. I'm not saying those were the reasons. I have no idea for sure. Just that it has a logic to it. I just think eventually they will add them, simply because they're not there.
I don't know why. I'm just thinking of logical reasons.
I got a laugh out of this. While I do agree with you, thinking logical and kabam at the same time is kind of funny. No disrespect to kabam, I love the game, and look forward to getting things fixed. I know there is a lot of work going on that we as players sometimes get impatient about, but that's another thread. To stay on topic, I would have to say there are currently quite a few 5*s available now that are much more powerful than the ones left off the list. Until T2A is more available, having the ones left off at high sig 5/50 4* is generally better than a 3/45 5* at similar sig levels.
This is the first time we're adding "newer" champions to the Crystal, but the first couple intakes were some of the older Champions. The ones left here are the ones that never had a 5-Star available.