My thoughts on Act 5 Chapter 2

Neroa65Neroa65 Member Posts: 302 ★★
Act 5 Chapter 2 fights are thrilling and exciting, a big THANK YOU to Kabam on that end, however thrilling and exciting also translates to ridiculously difficult for some folks (I'm not necessarily an exception whatsoever) and the rewards should reflect this difficulty, especially on completion. So please Kabam, please increase the rewards for both completion and exploration or reduce the difficulty. Either one works for me. Although I'm leaning to the more rewards option.

What about the people who have completed? Issue them a compensation or an additional reward. It doesn't matter.

That's just my thoughts anyway..


  • Jaguaraci_SilvaJaguaraci_Silva Member Posts: 151
    It's an unanimity: the rewards aren't reflecting the chapter difficult.
  • Noob_2yrsNoob_2yrs Member Posts: 67
    I felt its hard but that's what is required. It will be more fun if they decrease bit of degen because once it starts our champs dies in seconds. Rewards should be increased for sure.
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