Alliances, Loyalty, and the Loyalty store needs updated.

What am I talking about?
Well, you know how everyone wants the "help" tab to be removed?
There is an easier solution that.
Increase the limit. Like, how about 10K instead. Maybe even more than that. Also, fix the Alliance Crystal. Make the limit of the amount of crystals you can purchase each day to 10 instead of one. And while we're on the topic, make an uncollected Alliance Crystal.
Fix the price of the UCs. Both of them. Since 5*s are becoming more common(we had a whole arena on just getting one) to get, 800K for a champ that is not very good, seems to be way too much. How about 400K? Now, what about UC as a 4 star? Drop his cost to 200K or even better 100K since 4*s are starting to become irrelevant because 6*s are here. And if 6* UC becomes a thing, then his price should be 800K.
Well, you know how everyone wants the "help" tab to be removed?
There is an easier solution that.
Increase the limit. Like, how about 10K instead. Maybe even more than that. Also, fix the Alliance Crystal. Make the limit of the amount of crystals you can purchase each day to 10 instead of one. And while we're on the topic, make an uncollected Alliance Crystal.
Fix the price of the UCs. Both of them. Since 5*s are becoming more common(we had a whole arena on just getting one) to get, 800K for a champ that is not very good, seems to be way too much. How about 400K? Now, what about UC as a 4 star? Drop his cost to 200K or even better 100K since 4*s are starting to become irrelevant because 6*s are here. And if 6* UC becomes a thing, then his price should be 800K.
The loyalty store is decent. I regularly get things from there.
Officially it's not coming, we're still in the "players talk out it with other players" phase.
Phase 2: is when kabam mod posts an automated response and forgets about it.
Phase 3: is when they a different mod takes notice after a few months and reminds the first mod before it about it so they can both forget about it soon after.
Phase 4: see phase 3