Why do bots jump away?

Tell me, please, how to fight with bots, when they always jump away? Aspecially on the war of unions. When I try to attach the champion of the enemy it jumps away. And the main is that after it attackes me the enemy's champion waits for my attack, and when I try to attack it, - it jumps away and then it jumps to me again and again attacks me. It is VERY DISOHNEST! Please, deactivate the opportunity of bots to jump away from my champions.
Tell me, please, how to fight with bots, when they always jump away? Aspecially on the war of unions. When I try to attach the champion of the enemy it jumps away. And the main is that after it attackes me the enemy's champion waits for my attack, and when I try to attack it, - it jumps away and then it jumps to me again and again attacks me. It is VERY DISOHNEST! Please, deactivate the opportunity of bots to jump away from my champions.
What's war of unions?
What game are you referring to?
Welcome to the forum for your first post. Glad you are providing your first hand experience and feedback to this company. Keep it coming. They love your feedback.
Are you referring to Sentineloids in AQ?
When you mention war of unions, are you referring to AQ (Alliance Quest)?
Good luck and cheers!
You mean Alliance War, i.e. AW?
There's no bots in AW
When you say Bots, are you referring to AI, i.e. Artificial Intelligence?
I think he means AI dexterity evade and dash back.
Agreed, I think "why AI dexterity is able to evade my attack" and "why when I rush at them they manage to dash back and intercept me and unleash their combo to beat the **** out of my butt or K.O. me before I even wake up from the surprise" make alot of sense.
I think many beginners faced this, until they learn know the "move-set" of each characters, learn to "detect the opening" and learn to reliably intercept, or reliably stun/parry and counter the opponent (assuming stun-immune).
Problems solved by getting dexterity and parry,If you already have them,just know all of us experience this,and it ain't an issue,Maybe you're reaction time after the AI hits you 5 times is quite slow.Id recommend watching tutorials.
Now about of reaction - I manage to defeat the champion with the rate more than 9000 on the alliance quest with the champion with rate 3000-4500, however it is very hard to me to defeat with the same rate champion the champion with rate 4000 on the alliance war.
looks like u r not habituated with aggresive a.i. Practice duels & PvP arena after 20th win streak.
@Prizrachnii_Gonshik you are thinking that the mechanics of this game are like another similar action game. *cough* DC *cough*. You need to know that no two games are similar with their mechanics. What you need to do is practice more, you'll get skilled in no time. good luck.
I understand that there are no two similar games. However the AI in the game for all people mustn't be as educated as AI, which defeated Kasparov in chess.
An important point, never try to emulate the high skilled players when you're still learning and get frustrated. Been there, done that so emphasis on never
Spidey and Nightcrawler evades are different though. Those are tricky and require either a champion that ignores it (like fully duped Black widow, or Karnak after special 1), or fighting very carfeully doing only couple of hits each time to give you time to back away if they auto-evade.
I hope it helps. How long have you been playing by the way?
@Eye_of_the_Universe, thank you for your kind words. All of us were once a new forum member knowing nothing about this place. All of us were once a new MCoC players where we once got K.O. by the AI without knowing how to react. But I'm glad to see everyone here are discussing in a constructive way and trying to help patiently. And I know this is how a healthy thread will go, BECAUSE I look at the names and I see NO FAMOUS trolls. Whenever a thread has NO famous/notorious trolls come in, the thread will go in a very healthy manner.
Very often I also noticed some "veteran members" who have been TOO OLD to remember how it was like being a new member or a beginner, always tried to mock or ridicule new member's questions. How can we expect someone new to feel welcomed to post and discuss if their first ever post already attracked many hostile responses.
Once again, kudos to everyone here, trying to discussion with OP and provide various feedbacks and resources! Everyone here is a good role-model!
I would say a very large part of the basic combat mechanic in this game is learning where the windows are that you can successfully make contact with an attack.
Most characters windows are slightly different and nodes also effect these windows.
For example a stun immune Rhino can't be intercepted, so your only options are to counter attack after he uses heavys and specials. You might get lucky to counter after a normal hit that is blocked or whiffed, but its not likely and risky
Ai aggressiveness and different game modes are another that effect the windows
the AI in arena, Aq and Aw do not operate the same way.
If you are struggling Daves videos are awesome to help you along.
Good luck in your quest to improve your fighting techniques.