Looking for retirement alliance

After this war season I'm stepping down from my leadership position in my current alliance and may be in the need of a retirement alliance.
Don't plan on staying all that long, but who knows.
Don't plan on staying all that long, but who knows.

We may have to replace a guy or two after the AW series, so I wanted to see if there was anyone looking around for a new place to hang out...
What we have: a stable, active, supportive group of players. (11+ mil ally, 30 active guys strong). We run 44432 in AQ with the first 2 mandatory, and 2 BG's in AW...Gold 3 last 2 seasons. We have a great balance of life and game, allowing guys to pop out for for a bit for real life, while plenty of opportunity to immerse yourself into a great group to play the game. We use discord for team comms (like line, but better for us) and are very organized with comms.
We have minimums...2k item use, 10k completion, 8k SA. We hit SA weekly, most always top half. Donations are 50k gold and 3k loyalty...go ahead and keep your battle chips.
If this sounds like a great place to hang out, please reach out: Ground Round on line, Ground Round #0363 in discord, and Ground Round in game.
Look me up in the game, Jeniouis is my username, or look up my alliance [ULAA] Ultimate Avenging Alliance.
If you mean by 'retirement alliance', a relaxed chill alliance, then my alliance, Order of the Ebon Hand [O.E.H] might suits your needs. We run Map 3 during the placement phase of AW and Map 2 during the attack phase. We have eight (8) slots open, as we want to have 3 BG's open for AW and AQ. No donations, but participation when available is key.
If interested PM my alliance leader Liam 7 (ebonhand) on LINE. More details here.
Our updated stats are as follows:
Bronze 3 - 3,958,450 (3.9 MIL) - 1,061 AW Rating
Come check us out. Should be a great fit. Info is in the screenshot.
Yeah my LINE ID is Shrimkins
The oldest posts are at the bottom. Started recruiting about 3-4 months ago and you can see the progress we have made. If you have the time to read my very long posts, you should have a very easy time deciding where you want to be. We will also make room for your top players that you want to vouch for and bring along with you. If not interested at the moment, please save info for later if things don’t work out with other alliances. We'll still be here and will have room for you. Good luck. Make the right choice. It’s obvious and shouldn’t be that hard to realize we have the most to offer.